Chapter 15

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"Don't you ever learn!" Dominic yelled as he stepped out from his cave where he was working, "Don't bother me while I'm working!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Jeanie yelled frantically. Mason has never seen her react that way. Not even Izumi could get a reaction like that from Jeanie. However, there was still a smile on Jeanie's face. Dominic leaned in on Jeanie. He knew that smile all too well.

"What did you do?" Dominic asked sternly folding his arms across his chest. Jeanie's eyes widened and her smile finally vanished from shock before reforming. "You either did something stupid or you got something stupid." As stern as Dominic was, he still viewed Jeanie as his daughter. Although, between her and Paninya, Jeanie was definitely more troublesome. Her leg was almost always in need of maintenance due to her knack for finding trouble. Jeanie began laughing as she replayed kissing Greed. Her belly began to fill with butterflies before leaving in the form of pure laughter. Jeanie pushed herself up. She pulled Dominic down so she could whisper in her ear. Dominic complied with her gentle tug of his arm.

"I kissed a homunculus," She whispered in his ear. Dominic's eyes widened. He slowly turned to look at Jeanie with disbelief. However, her smile was all the proof he needed to know she was telling the truth. Dominic stood upright and sighed. Subtly, he grabbed a wrench that was in his back pocket.

"YOU IDIOT!!" Dominic yelled chasing Jeanie around the shop swinging the wrench at her. Jeanie was running around laughing like an idiot. Paninya entered the room and saw Dominic chasing Jeanie with a wrench.

"Aw damn," Paninya sighed, "Did Dominic find out about the fighting?" Dominic and Jeanie froze. Dominic looked between the two. Jeanie's head dropped. Paninya felt sweat drop down her head knowing that once Dominic got a hold of Jeanie, she was next.

"No, Paninya. No, he hasn't," Jeanie said.

"Wait, then what did you tell him!" Mason yelled. Jeanie chuckled nervously.

"Nothing!" Jeanie yelled as Mason began approaching her. Meanwhile, Paninya was in trouble with Dominic. Mason looked like he was about to kill Jeanie. "It's nothing, I swear!" Jeanie said as she backed away before booking it past Mason and out the door leaving Paninya to deal with Dominic. Jeanie didn't even realize She ran right past a certain homunculus/ Xingese prince.

"Hey!" Ling yelled as he ran off behind Jeanie. She turned a corner and slid down against a wall. Ling poked his head around the corner. "Are you alright?" Ling asked. Jeanie looked up recognizing Ling's voice.

"Oh hey. Yeah, I'm okay. Just got in trouble with my chaperone," Jeanie said smiling up at Ling.

"Chaperone?!" Greed yelled, "How old is this kid?!" Even Ling was curious.

"Chaperone? How old are you?" Ling asked as he sat beside her. Jeanie scoffed.

"I'm seventeen. My mom just doesn't trust me." Jeanie said, "It's not like I mind him too much. He's more of a friend than a chaperone... A friend that tries desperately to keep me out of trouble."

"I see," Ling responded noticing a faint hint of sadness in Jeanie's voice.

"No Greed, huh?" Jeanie asked relieved. Ling chuckled taking note of her lightened tone.

"Nope. You actually surprised us both when you kissed him. He drained most of his energy trying to find you." Ling said relaxing against the wall with Jeanie. Blood rose to Jeanie's cheeks when Ling brought up the kiss. This, too, was also noticed by Ling. "May I ask you a question?" Ling asked.

"Sure," Jeanie responded easily.

"How were you able to sense us?" Ling asked making eye contact with Jeanie to see if she would lie about her answer. Jeanie was taken aback by Ling's question. She never really had a moment to really think about her answer.

"Honestly, I don't know. Before I knew what you were, my mind would just scream at me saying something horrible was nearby. After I met you, my mind was calmer. I didn't feel fear. I didn't know I was capable of this until yesterday." Jeanie answered. She looked at Ling, who was trying to analyze her. He could tell she was telling the truth. "I have a question for you," Jeanie said. Ling cracked a smile.

"Alright, ask." He said.

"Why is Greed so crazy about me? I'm positive I never met him before," Jeanie asked curiously. Ling rubbed the back of his head. He had trouble finding the right words to start.

"Why the hell are you so crazy about her?" Ling asked Greed making sure not to speak out loud.

"Hell if I know!" Greed yelled, "She's just so small and she doesn't take any crap from me. Normally, when I tell some dollface I want them, they fall into my arms without any hesitation."

"I see," Ling muttered out loud. Jeanie was staring at Ling waiting for an answer, "He likes that you don't fall for his normal antics. From what I've noticed, you send him into a frustrated frenzy that I'm assuming he never feels around ladies. I also happen to know that he thinks you're cute." Jeanie blushed again. Ling smiled. He found himself enjoying that look on Jeanie's face.

"Why the hell would you tell her that?!" Greed yelled.

"Are you saying I'm wrong?" Ling shot. Greed didn't respond.

"I have one more question. At the hospital, when Mason found me, why did he run away?" Jeanie asked. This time, both Greed and Ling were caught dumbfounded.

"What the hell was that about anyway?" Ling asked Greed.

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