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Wooyoung felt his entire body tremble as the alpha got closer, his growl continuing. He let out a small whimper as he wished he could fight against this feeling.

He hated being an omega. There were times he wished he could be something else.

He even wished he could be human and not have to worry about pack life...

The alpha started to sniff him cautiously, still asserting his dominance.

It felt... Different to Wooyoung though. It was like the alpha wasn't confident in his abilities. He almost seemed hesitant as he circled the omega.

Then after a moment, the alpha backed up and sat. He tilted his head to the side and let out one more growl.

This one was a command to shift. It was an order that could be recognized by any wolf, even if they weren't in the same pack.

Wooyoung's body went through the forced shift. Once he was human, Wooyoung stayed on his hands and knees with his head bowed in submission.

"Where is your pack?" The alpha's smooth, deep voice said.

Wooyoung froze, shivering as he spoke. "A few miles east of here."

"Why are you out here all alone?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Wooyoung said, still looking down. "And in my territory."

The alpha chuckled and Wooyoung could hear him moving around. "You can get up." He said gently.

Wooyoung sighed in relief and pulled at the bundle of clothes he had tied around his ankle. After quickly slipping into his shirt and shorts, he finally looked up to take in the strange alpha.

He was breathtaking. Wooyoung couldn't think of any other way to describe him. While he had a sharp gaze with piercing blue eyes that never strayed from Wooyoung's face, his raven black hair and slender body gave off a more inviting aura than most alphas.

And really, he was small for an alpha. And he was most definitely smaller than any alpha he was used to being around.

"I'm Seonghwa." The alpha offered with a small smile. "I'm sorry if I startled you."

"That's ok. My name is Wooyoung. What are you doing out here by yourself?"

Seonghwa sighed deeply and looked at the ground. Odd... Alphas hardly ever looked down. "I'm on my own, just trying to find my place."

Wooyoung could tell there was some unspoken information there, but he knew better than to ask a strange alpha questions. He would tell Wooyoung if he wanted him to know. "Well I can't make any promises, but I'm sure we could provide you with a warm meal for the night."

The alpha perked up at those words and stood. "That would be nice. Thank you."

Humming in response, Wooyoung turned and led Seonghwa back to his home.

They earned a few strange looks from some of the pack members, but they knew better than to question Wooyoung. Even though he was an omega, he was still higher in rank than most of the pack since he was the head alpha's son.

If any alpha tried to intimidate him, then they had to answer to his father.

And if Wooyoung did anything wrong, then he had to face the consequences...

He watched Seonghwa out of the corner of his eye and noticed that the alpha avoided the gaze of most of his pack members.

It struck him yet again how strange this alpha was... It was almost like he wasn't an alpha at all. But there was no mistaking it. He was. And he was powerful when it came to dominating Wooyoung...

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