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Their journey together is more rushed now that there is a baby on the way. The supplies they need is more necessary and Seonghwa made sure when he hunted that Wooyoung ate most of what they had. He needed the nutrients for the baby, and Seonghwa was okay with that.

A month after traveling and finding out he's pregnant, Wooyoung started to show a small curve in his midsection and it took everything in Seonghwa's being to not touch it. He didn't want to make his omega uncomfortable, and Seonghwa touching Wooyoung's belly would probably trigger the omega.

He just watched fondly from afar as Wooyoung started a fire and immediately snapped out of it when Wooyoung looked his way. He went back to making a makeshift deer roaster, really wishing they had some other kind of food but this had to do until they get settled somewhere. They sold most of their deer pelts and grabbed some more supplies, it was more they had to carry but in the end they're grateful for them.


"Seonghwa," Wooyoung whispers in the middle of the night, shaking the alpha.

Seonghwa immediately sprung awake and looks around on high alert. Why else would his omega wake him up? There had to be a threat nearby. Seonghwa snarls and stands, ready to protect Wooyoung but the omega snorts, "No ones coming to hurt us Seonghwa."

"Then why did you-"

"I know what our baby is," Wooyoung smiles, grabbing the alpha's hand and dragging him back down to sit by him.

Seonghwa was quiet as he stared at Wooyoung's beauty in the moonlight. He really was ethereal with the full moon shining on him. But why couldn't he wait until morning instead of scaring the alpha into thinking they had been spotted and needed to leave quickly? He will never know, but the unknown gender of his child is peaking his interest more than Wooyoung scaring him to death. Seonghwa tilts his head, "What is it?"

Wooyoung takes the alpha's hand and places it on his slightly larger belly, rubbing his thumb along the back of his hand as he smile grows bigger, "It's a girl."


About a month later, Wooyoung woke up to a sharp jolt to his stomach.

Seonghwa, who was still up keeping watch, knelt next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong? Are you ok?"

Wooyoung looked up at him in surprise. "Y-Yeah. I don't know what tha-" He was cut off again by another jolt and he looked down at his stomach.

Everything felt so strange, he wasn't used to the inside of his body moving, but he quickly realized what it was. "Oh!" He said as it happened a third time and covered his mouth.

Without hesitating, he used his other hand to grab Seonghwa's and place it on his stomach.

The alpha froze and a slightly red tint came to his eyes as he felt the baby moving in Wooyoung's stomach.

The omega smiled as he felt the pleasure rolling off Seonghwa as his mouth opened a little and the corners of his mouth started to turn up.

"That's..." The alpha gasped, placing both hands on Wooyoung's stomach.

Wooyoung felt his wolf churn at the contact and he bit his lip. It made sense that they would bond over the baby, but Wooyoung didn't know if he wanted anything more yet or not, so he worked to push it away.

For now his focus would be on the baby girl that was growing inside him and start there.

"She's really active!" Seonghwa said, his eyes lighting up with excitement as he looked at Wooyoung. Two kicks followed his words and he glanced back down. "What are you up to in there baby?"

Sunrise ||| AteezOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora