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Wooyoung moans as he grinds against Seonghwa's hardening cock through his sweats, their lips tangled in a hot, heated kiss. Seonghwa growls, pulling away to nip at Wooyoung's neck, right where his mark would go and the omega whines, "Please."

"Alpha will soon, love," Seonghwa growls, suckling and kissing the place on his neck where his new mark will go. In the meantime, his hands find their way down to Wooyoung's plump ass, giving his cheeks a harsh squeeze as he nips at the omega's neck again, "Fuck I want you."

Wooyoung moans loudly when he felt Seonghwa hands travel inside his pants, gripping and rubbing his ass like it's a treasure as he does. His alpha's eyes were red, and he knew his were his golden yellow as he tilts his head back while he grinds. Grinding while five months pregnant though, that's a different story. He was trying to avoid putting pressure on his bump as he does, but they knew what they were doing.

Before Seonghwa's finger could even graze or tease Wooyoung's entrance, the door opens quickly and Yeosang gasps, "Hey!! No!!" He rushes in the room, the couple were still too stunned to pull away from someone barging in on them. Yeosang sputters as he pulls Wooyoung away from Seonghwa, the alpha growls in annoyance as he pulls the omega to him, "He is still healing!! No fooling around until I give you the okay!"

"It's been months!" Seonghwa groans, covering his boner with the blanket and growls, "I'm getting a little frustrated if you know what I mean!"

"Well your wolf can wait another week because Wooyoung needs to be completely healed before this baby comes, and if you guys fuck around when he's still recovering it'll push his recovery further back!" Yeosang sasses, pointing a finger at the Alpha and then points to the shower, "Take a cold shower or jerk off in there. Until I say so, your hand is Wooyoung!"

This wasn't the first time Yeosang has to drag the couple apart. Many times through Wooyoung's pregnancy they have craved one another's touch and desperately wanted to be with one another. Especially getting their mating marks on their necks. Seonghwa wanted to desperately claim Wooyoung and Wooyoung wanted to do the same, but they wanted it to be intimate and special when they did.

Seonghwa grumbles as Yeosang drug Wooyoung out of the room, the omega smiles as he holds his five month belly. Not too long after he leaves, San peeks in and arches his eyebrow, "Smells like frustrated alpha in here."

"Thanks preggo," Seonghwa rolls his eyes, getting out of bed and grabbing a towel to go take that shower.

San narrows his eyes, "I'm only three months pregnant! Don't call me preggo!! I'm not a tomato sauce!!"

Seonghwa chuckles as the beta huffs, holding his cute small belly that was just now starting to curve from his petite hips. The day San found out he was pregnant and announced his pregnancy was the happiest day in the pack house. And it wasn't one baby, no, the couple was having twins. Not only was Wooyoung and Seonghwa expecting a little one, Jongho and San were too! He was only a month and a half apart from Wooyoung, but the omega and the beta were ecstatic that they were pregnant together.

"The last time I was pregnant, the only person I had was Seonghwa and he had no idea what I was going through on a daily basis," Wooyoung joked with San as they celebrated their joint pregnancy. Seonghwa was standing off to the side with Wynter on his hip.

"I'm still kind of nervous," San smiles, "Especially..."

Wooyoung knew where he was going with this thought and instantly cups the beta's cheeks in his hands, "Don't go there. Nothing will happen to your babies. It will if you keep stressing that something will happen, it will hurt them. So take a deep breath, and let all of the worries roll off of you."

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