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"Asher! Zaden! Stay close!" Yunho shouted as he shifted Grayson in his arms. The two boys had been a handful every since their fathers left, and Asher was missing Yeosang.

So was Irys. She had become incredibly fussy, but thankfully he had a soft spot for Keonhee, so he could usually calm her down.

"I've got them." Hwanwoong said, darting after the boys. They both giggled and proceeded to make the omega chase them around the backyard.

Yunho sighed and stared out into the trees. He's had a pit in his stomach ever since his pack left. This was the first time he had ever been on his own like this. He was heartsick. Mingi had left a huge hole that was begging to be filled.

"Can I get you anything?" Keonhee asked as he came to stand by Yunho. He had a small smile on his face as he watched his mate running around behind the two boys.

"No, I'm ok. Thank you though." Yunho gave his fellow beta a small smile. "You being here is all I need. You've been such a huge help already."

"You would do the same for us." Keonhee nudged his shoulder. "We'll always be here fo you."

Yunho tilted his head to rest it on the other beta's shoulder. He was glad he had his friend here. They had met one day in the nearest human city and had instantly hit it off. Mingi had been hesitant at first, especially when they were first introduced to Zaden, but he had warmed up to them too and spent a lot of time with the other pack when he had the free time.

Keonhee had the same energy that Yunho did, so that helped them bond as well.

Crying came from the background and Yunho groaned.

"Give me Grayson." His friend said, setting Irys down to free up his arms. Thankfully she didn't fuss and just tottered off to a stack of blocks on the floor.

Yunho did as he asked and hurried to Seonghwa and Wooyoung's room.

Wynter was red in the face as she cried at the top of her lungs.

"I'm here baby girl. Uncle Yunho is here." He cooed, picking her up and resting her head against his shoulder as he bounced in a circle. "Shhh, it's ok."

The little girl whined as she nuzzled into his neck. He could feel her tears sliding onto his neck and shoulder as he rubbed her back.

"Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma." She whined.

The beta's heart broke a little as he felt her mouth working furiously while sucking her fist. It had become her stress relief every since Wooyoung had been taken. 

"You must be hungry. Should we go get some food? I've got a bottle that just needs to be heated up." He said gently, still walking her back and forth.

Wynter sniffed several times and kept sucking on her fist. "Ma ma ma ma ma." She moaned around it.

Keonhee turned to him when he sensed Yunho enter the living room and gave him a hurried look. Especially when he heard Wynter's constant mumbling.

She sat up in Yunho's arms and looked around the room, her head spinning back and forth. When she didn't see either of her parents, she started whining again and rested her head on Yunho's shoulder once more.

He bit his lip as he worked on heating up her bottle.

Then he noticed how wet his shoulder was and he gently coaxed her to sit up again and pulled her fist from her mouth. "Keonhee, come here." He said, gently sticking a finger in her mouth.

Wynter whined and tried to move his hand away.

"What's wrong?" The other beta said, hurrying over.

"Her gums are really red and I think I see a tooth poking through." Yunho's forehead creased in concern as he ran a finger over her gums.

"Ma ma ma ma ma ma." Wynter finally pushed his hand away and started opening and closing her one hand before sticking the other one back in her mouth.

Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes as she looked around the room again.

Yunho placed a kiss to her forehead and held her close. She was going to need a little more attention now that she was teething...

Their pack needed to come home soon...





Wooyoung shifted in bed as he started to lose the happiness of sleep. He wanted nothing for than to drift away to the sweet nothingness so he didn't have to deal with another day of his new life.

Especially because the image of Rex killing his father suddenly came crashing back into his mind.

He couldn't believe that had happened... And he knew it was a way for Rex to punish him.

And he hated that he had such mixed emotions about it too... His father had been nothing but horrible to him, and yet he had always desired his father's love and attention.

Wooyoung's lower lip trembled as he curled into a tight ball.

With his father out of the way, Rex would be in charge of both packs as soon as they officially mated.

And the fact that Rex had yet to do that terrified Wooyoung beyond all belief. It was like he was waiting for something, and knowing the alpha, it wasn't going to be good for Wooyoung.

The bed shifted and Rex's large arm wrapped around his stomach and pulled him closer.

Wooyoung always felt so dwarfed next to the alpha. If he hadn't seen the alpha's blood red wolf before, he would think that he was a bear...

Possessive kisses started being placed on his shoulders as Rex's hand caressed his stomach. Wooyoung bit his lip to not make a sound as he just let it happen. There was nothing else he could do.

"Good morning." Rex growled as he grabbed the chain from the wall and used it to turn Wooyoung's head to face him. He immediately claimed the omega's mouth and plunged his tongue in. "We have a busy day ahead of us. Get dressed." He ordered after breaking the kiss.

Wooyoung obediently slipped out of bed and made his way to the closet to pull on a pair of jeans and long sleep shirt, which he worked the chain through to get it on all the way.

The day ended up going much link normal, only Rex didn't force Wooyoung to do anything other than stay hidden under the table. He almost constantly had his hand on Wooyoung's head and would pet him slowly.

When one meeting was over, someone approached the table and cleared his throat. "Sir. We did it."

Rex's hand stopped and Wooyoung felt him tense. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I just found out."


"Yes, Sir."

Rex started to laugh and he pushed Wooyoung's head against his thigh. "Beautiful. You know what to do."

Footsteps retreated and Wooyoung was given he sign to emerge from he table.

The alpha pulled him into his lap and grabbed his jaw. It wasn't harsh, but it wasn't gently either...

"Well my sweet. I have something special for you."

Wooyoung gulped and forced himself to keep eye contact with the alpha.

Rex smirked and pulled his face closer. "It needs some time to get ready. I'm trusting you to be left alone for a few hours. Will you be a good boy for me?"

There was a hint of warning in his voice and Wooyoung nodded quickly.

"Good. It will be worth the wait, I promise." Rex moved so his lips were next to Wooyoung's ear. "And then once it's over, you'll be mine, and I will breed you until you give me pups of my own. We will be the most powerful pack in the world. Me as head alpha, and you as my loyal omega. Continue to be a good boy for alpha."

Wooyoung nodded again and swallowed his whimpers and tilted his head to the side, giving his alpha better access as Rex worked on creating new marks to celebrate his good mood.

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