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All Wooyoung could feel was pain.

Any time he started to regain consciousness, his wolf pulled him away from it to try and protect him.

It hurt too much...

There were times he thought he was dead.

There were times he thought he heard voices nearby, or felt a gentle touch on his face.

But any touch set off the fire within him and he would internally panic.

It didn't take him long to realize he was too weak to move his body... Not that he wanted to.

He kept seeing flashed of what had happened, and it was always followed by searing pain... What Rex had done to him... No alpha in their right mind would do.

But it was obvious that Rex wasn't in his right mind.

Something grazed Wooyoung's arm and he whimpered and flinched away from it. He didn't care how much trouble he would be in later. The last thing he wanted was to be touched by Rex right now... He just wanted some time.

The touch grew, putting more pressure on his arm but it wasn't punishing like Rex would normally be.

It didn't stop him from trying to pull away thought.

But the second he did his body seized in pain and he let out a straggled, raspy, cry.

"Woo. Woo baby it's ok." A familiar voice said and suddenly the omega was blasted with cinnamon.

His eyes flew open and he searched in front of him for the face he needed to see most right now.

It was then that he realized he was laying on his stomach on a strange bed, which shifted below him.

Then everything seemed to freeze as Seonghwa appeared in his line of vision.

Wooyoung had to stare at him for a long moment as he tried to figure out if this was a dream or not.

Seonghwa seemed to understand though, because he reached out slowly and grazed his fingers along Wooyoung's cheek slowly. His forehead creased in concern as Wooyoung flinched away from the touch at first, but he didn't stop.

"Is i-" Wooyoung tried to speak, but his throat was sore his voice cracked instantly and he winced in pain.

"Don't talk. It's ok." Seonghwa whispered.

When the omega's lower lip started to shake, he started to move closer to him, pressing his body against Wooyoung's side and running his hand through the younger's hair.

"It's ok. You're safe."

Wooyoung tried to reach out to him through the mind link so he could talk to him, but he suddenly found his mind very empty. Panic started to rise in him as he tried to figure out what was happening and he tried to move closer to his alpha.

Because he still considered Seonghwa his alpha. Not Rex. Never Rex...

Then he started to look around again, waiting for the moment that Seonghwa would be ripped away from him.

"Youngie, Youngie stop. You're just going to hurt yourself." Seonghwa said quickly, putting pressure on Wooyoung's back to get him to stop moving.

He let out a hoarse whimper in response and looked up at Seonghwa with begging eyes. He just wanted to know what was happening... He felt so scared.

"You're safe. I promise." The alpha whispered, moving close enough so he could connect their foreheads. He lifted his other hand up to run it against Wooyoung's shoulder, and the younger whimpered again when he saw the makeshift cast on it. "I'm ok. It's just a broken wrist.

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