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Wooyoung huffed as he kicked a stone while walking through the trees. He didn't even know what he was looking for.

Fires just needed dry branches, right?

He stopped and just stared at the ground, starting to feel numb...

Everything was happening so fast and he still didn't know how he felt about everything. But he knew he was making Seonghwa feel like shit, and he was ok with that.

His tongue had always gotten him in trouble back home. It's what got him in trouble with his father so much and got him locked up...

And he knew it would most likely get him in trouble with Seonghwa, but at this exact moment he didn't care. The alpha wasn't... normal.

He was more submissive than other alphas and didn't seem confident in his abilities until his wolf took over. Then it was obvious he was an alpha.

If anything, Seonghwa just needed to learn to trust his instincts and trust himself. Then he would learn how powerful he could really be.

"What am I saying?" Wooyoung groaned as he ran his hand through his hair. "I don't want him to figure that out. Then I'm royally screwed."

He spent a little more time gathering whatever wood he deemed appropriate for a fire and followed Seonghwa's alluring cinnamon scent back to the clearing.

The alpha was still skinning the deer. Very well, Wooyoung had to admit. The skin was perfect, and would be good for something to sleep on at night.

Wooyoung started clearing an area and digging a hole in the dirt before piling the sticks he found. Then he stared at it, not sure how to actually get the fire started. He bit his lip and looked over at Seonghwa.

The older must have sensed his unease because he looked up and arched an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

"Um... I got wood."

"Good. Start the fire." Seonghwa looked down at the deer again.

Wooyoung felt himself bristling. "Maybe you should get your head out of your ass long enough to ask me if I even know how to start one!" Wooyoung snapped, throwing a small branch at him.

Seonghwa snarled and red eyes flashed in Wooyoung's direction, but he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His gazed softened a little bit as he set down the rock in his hand and stood slowly. "I apologize. I shouldn't have assumed you knew how to start one." He voice was so soft and gentle now.

Wooyoung looked down at the ground, ashamed that he didn't know how to do this. Now that he was here, it seemed like an essential skill... But it hadn't been part of his training since he was raised with the assumption he would be serving his alpha in a pack house.

He watched as Seonghwa found a couple of pieces of wood and set one flat on the ground while placing the other one perpendicular to it. He started rubbing his palms together quickly, moving his hands up and down, to get the stick to spin against the other one, creating friction.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, Wooyoung leaning forward to soak in what Seonghwa was doing, until he gasped in surprise when small embers appeared.

Seonghwa was quick to place the stick in the fire pit and blew on it gently.

Wooyoung felt his wolf stirring as he watched Seonghwa's lips pushed to focus the stream of air on the small source of heat.

After a moment, the other branches caught ahold of the flame and a fire crackled to life.

"Wow." Wooyoung said, getting lost in the dancing flames in front of him.

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