34 ↠ love shouldn't hurt

567 54 71

i'm sorry


If Luke would have a tail, he'd be wagging it like crazy. That's how excited he was knowing after he finishes work, he'll go on a walk with Michael and Broccoli and Sunshine.

It was finally the day he will meet the pup and drive her home.

His excitement rubbed off on Broccoli, who was laying next to Luke's feet.

"Your dad just texted me." He told the dog. "He said they're ten minutes away."

He should be working for another hour but doctor Clifford told him to go home when Michael will come. Luke noticed it wasn't doctor's best day but he still smiled when Luke told him how excited he was to meet Sunshine.

Broccoli stood up and started crying, she sometimes did that when she didn't see Michael for a while but in this case, it was because of her friend. Luke knew female pups weren't always best friends but there two were. The moment Michael opened the door they started crying and barking at each other.

Luke had the biggest smile on his face and it only grew bigger when he saw Michael.

"Go and meet your owner Sun."

The golden retriever did not need to be told twice. There was someone she didn't know in the room and she seemed to be a crowd-pleaser.

Luke giggled when the dog ran to him and didn't mind when she threw a few pens on the floor with her tail.

"Hello, pretty girl. Yes, hi. I'm your new best friend."

She licked his face and Luke quickly wiped his cheek.

"Sun, Broccoli let's go outside and wait for Luke to finish."

Luke sent a grateful smile into Michael's direction. He'll still have to learn his dog a few things but he was so happy to have his childhood dream come true.

He finished as fast as possible, shouted goodbye to his boss and ran outside to join three of his favorite creatures.


It was hard for him to hold back a smile as he observed Luke ran with Sunshine and Broccoli in the park.

When he and Luke broke up, he didn't know what to do with Sunshine, the alternative to giving her to Luke was keeping her but now he saw he made the right decision.

Even hidden behind that smile of his, Luke was still very much recovering and animals were the best antidepressant Michael knew.

He sat down on a bench and watched them play. There was only an hour left before he'd have to drive Sunshine to her new home and go in for another night shift.

"Hey." Luke ran to him but threw the ball to the dogs. They could entertain themselves for a moment. "I just wanted to ask if there's something wrong? Your dad seemed a bit off today."

Michael raised his eyebrow and snorted. "It can be one of two things." Luke sat down and Michael realized he'll have to explain himself. "Mum is coming back tomorrow. An while they've been having their second honeymoon phase visiting each other over the weekends it will be the first time in a while actually living together."

Sunshine ♡ mukeWhere stories live. Discover now