I'm Not Letting You Leave My Side

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I woke up the next morning feeling comfy in bed and a nasty hangover. I blinked a few times and I placed my hand on my head and it was hurting a little.

'Ugh...I feel like crap...how much did I drink last night...?'

I thought about last night's events. I was soaking in the hot spring until Nobunaga came along and we drank sake together until we returned to our room. I thought he was sleeping in the other futon but, here he was, lying asleep next to me while he held me close in his arms. I blushed bright red when I noticed how close his face was to mine.

"Nobunaga...?" I called out to him but, he was in a deep sleep.

I was about to wake him up but, I decided to let him sleep a bit longer so I gently stroked his hair. I never realised how soft it felt but, I smiled a little.

'He looks so cute the way he's sleeping like that...hard to believe he's some cold-hearted Devil King but when he's with me, he looks so...normal.'

I thought to myself while admiring his handsome face. 

"Hmm...Alex?" Nobunaga whispered making me pull back my hand.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's fine, I woke up on my own and what do I find?"


Nobunaga rolled onto his back with me still in his arms so that I was on top of him and I was lying on his chest. I giggled a little and then he said to me.

"A cute little wolf sleeping next to me."

"Hehe...is that a bad thing?"

"Nope, I feel like I can sleep much easier, knowing someone is here to watch over me."

"I was right something did happen to him..."

Shadow told me and I agreed with her. I looked at Nobunaga and I asked him.

"Can I ask you something?"


"When did you first start thinking the way you do now? That you would accomplish your goal even at the cost of others' lives."

Nobunaga wasn't sure whether to answer me or not but, I smiled a little.

"Don't worry, you don't have to answer me if you don't want to."

"No, I will answer your question besides, you've already told me about your past."

Nobunaga said as he gently stroked my hair.

"It was just after my coming of age ceremony. That was when I swore to gain more power than anyone. I've never told anyone this before, there was no reason to, but, the first time I killed a man, I was thirteen years old. He was an assassin sent by my brother.

My eyes widen in shock when I heard him say that.

'By his brother?!'

"Your own brother tried to kill you? why would he do that?"

"It's not unusual in these times. You may have to kill your relatives if there's a succession dispute."

'That's really horrible, I'm glad I'm an only child.'

"It's kill or be killed. You only have on choice if you to live. Thus, there's no reason to hesitate. That's when I swore to gain enough power to put a stop to all the fighting."

'Living under that system convinced him he had to change it. Most thirteen-year-olds in my time can just be kids.'

"That must have been painful for you."

Ikemen Sengoku: A Werewolf StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora