I've been tagged

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A/n Hey guys! I've been tagged by @VII_Ingenium and here's a bit about myself.

1. Where were you three hours ago?

I was at the Glasgow Science museum with my dad along with the Rebel Legion to promote the new Star Wars movie.

2. Confession?

I don't have one.

3. Bag habits?

I don't have any.

4. Favourite Colour?


5. What colour is your toothbrush?

It's also blue.

6. Can you drive?


7. Birthday

26th of August 1997.

8. Addiction?

Cosplay and creating Manga.

9. 3 Pet peeves.

I have no idea what that means.

10. Last person you hugged.

I hugged a member of the Rebel Legion before leaving the Museum for the night.

11. Zodiac Sign.


12. Something you miss.

It's not something, it's someone I miss. My pet dog Sid a victorian bulldog who sadly passed away on the 8th of December this year. He was ten years old the poor guy but, at least he was at home and not in a cage at a vets workplace.

13. What song is stuck in your head at the moment?

In my World by Amalee

14. Eye Colour.


15. What state or part of the world you live in?

I live in the United Kingdom and my country is Scotland.

16. Favourite Quote.

"We Walk in the Dark to serve the light...we are assassins...nothing is true...everything is permitted," Ezio Aulditorie Da Frenze.

17. Somewhere you would like to visit?

I would like to visit Japan but, I don't know whereabouts since I'm still deciding between Tokyo and Osaka.

18. Do you like your name?

Yes, I do because it sounds similar to Keira Knightly's name but, mine is spelt differently. It's spelt like this: Kiera.

19. Favourite season.


20. What type of phone do you have?

Samsung S9

21. Something you're excited for?

Aside from Christmas, I'm excited about next year's comic con and I might go to MCM Birmingham next year.

22. How long does it take you to get ready?

If I'm not getting distracted by my laptop or my phone, it takes me a few minutes or so.

23. Biggest fear.

I would say spiders but, they don't bother as much as they used to but, my biggest fear is failing because when you're a college or university student you're hoping and praying that you've done well with your assignments and you've got a good grade.

24. Favourite band.

It's a competition between Skillet and Evanescence.

25. Favourite Animal.


26. Favourite person.

My father because we're like best friends and we go to comic cons together since we're both geeks.

27. One food you hate.

Sprouts and peas, Yuck!!

28. Favourite movies.

Assassin's Creed and Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron.

29. Do you get Grosse dout easily (sorry I don't know what this question was).

I have no idea what this means either.

30. Relationship status.

I had a boyfriend but, we broke up after I started University so I'm back to being single and ready to mingle LOL

That's all you need to know about me, here are the 20 people who I'll be tagging.





















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