7. Baby Love

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Part II:

Part II:

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   Hello!!!! It's me, Tee-tee again! Hihi! I just wanna share to you how happy I was last weekend. Sigh~~

As I've mentioned to you before, my family and I went to Bangkok to visit Aunt Kimmy cause she was sick. (It turns out it was just over fatigue..) even tho, because of that, I missed watching my classmates performed on our school program, still, I'm glad, cause I've earned lots of new frieeeeends!!!

If we didn't went to Bangkok that day, I wouldn't had a chance to meet P'Tae. He's soooo nice to me. He bought me lots of ice cream, he let me play with his ukelele, he spoiled me so much, that I cried so much when we parted ways at the airport last night. Sigh~~ we went there last Friday, and stayed there until yesterday afternoon, but since it's Monday the following day, we had to book the earliest flight back to Chiang Mai. Sigh~~~

I missed him so much. Oh, and aside from him, I also met a new best friend of mine, his name is Copgi!!! He's actually my cousin since he's Aunt Kimmy's babyyyy!! He's so cuuuute! And he looks like my puppy, that's why I called him copgiiiii!!! And .. and... When I called him copgi, he bit meeeee!!! Hahaha yay!! Oh! I met baby bast, too! And baby Saint and baby mean, and his friiiiends. And all of us became good friends.

I'm gonna Missed them all. Especially, P'Tae. I will Missed our daily routine of buying ice cream during snack time.

How I wish he feel the same way too.. *sniff.




He's gone.

We only spend time together for a few days, and yet I missed him so much.

When we parted ways at the airport last night, he cried. And it broke my heart. My little sister often cry that much but .. when it comes to baby Tee. It's different.

Those past few days that we're together, I always see him smile, laughed and giggle about everything and anything. If he's not ok about something. He's just going to pouth until he gets whatever he wants.

That's why when I saw him cried that much last night..

I couldn't help it. And then I cried as well. Sigh~

Before we parted ways, I reminded him to always bring some tissues or handkerchief Everytime he's going to eat his favorite ice cream. And I also reminded him to always ask be mindful whenever he's going to cross the street...

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