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Disclaimer: I do not fully know how foster care and adoption works, so I'm sorry if I get things wrong. Also it's just a story.


Double Tap~

Two shots of a firearm in proximity, in rapid succession. Made to cause a bigger, more damaging wound.


October 23

15 years ago

"Come on Min," A seven year old Chan shouted as he ran to the playground with his best friend.

"Wait Chanie," Minho, the six year old boy shouted back. He wasn't able to keep up with the brown haired boy. While he tried his best to catch up to the older he triped over his feet. Chan stopped running when he heard a yelp coming from Minho. He turned around to see Minho holding his knee up to his chest with his head down. Chan frowned as he walked up to the boy. He kneeled down and lifted the boys head. Minho had tears running down his cheeks.

"Min, are you okay? Are you bleeding?" Chan asked considered as he examined Minho's knee and palms. It wasn't bleeding, just scratched up.

Minho sniffed and shook his head. "I'm fine, don't worry. I-It just hurt." Chan helped the boy up while smiling at him.

"You know what helps you feel better," Chan said.

"Ice. Medicine. Candy!" Minho's eyes lit up as he thought about candy.

"No, hugs!" Chan held out his arms for Minho. Without hesitating he ran into Chan's arms. "See, don't you feel much better." Minho nodded in response. "Now, let's go to the sides, walking." The boys giggled as they went on their way.

From afar Chan's mother watched the two boys with Minho's foster mom. "I will be sadden when the time comes to seperate them," Chan's mom, Sora said.

"Yes, but it is best for Minho. I can longer take care of him the way I used to. My husband has refused to even acknowledge the child even once. Since he's truthlly not his own, he feels like he doesn't have to treat him like it." Yebin spoke heart broken.

"I don't understand why a family closer to here could've adopted him instead of someone in Busan, that's on the other side," Sora said in disbelief.

" The couple who adopted Minho fell in love when they met him. Even Minho himself loved spending time with them, always asking when is the next time he could see them." Yebin's eyes began to tear up.

"When do they plan on taking him," Sora asked look at the two boys who were at the swing set. Minho was trying to push Chan, but failed miserably. Sora could help but smile at the two. They had became so close since the first time they met on the playground.

"In a few days, possibly his birthday. I'm- Mrs Bang! " Yebin's was interrupted by Minho running up to them. Right behind Minho was a very angry Chan running after him.

"Mrs Bang- Ah!" Minho was pushed onto the ground by Chan. Minho landed on his stomach getting the wind knocked out of him. Tears started to run down his face as he was confused on why he couldn't breathe. After a few seconds he was back to normal but was still crying. Chan had his hands balled into fist. He began to feel guilty when he saw his best friend was crying because of him.

He tried to pick up Minho to his feet. "Minnie, I'm so-" He was cut off when Minho slapped his hands away. He got up by himself and began to walked away from him. "Minnie, wait." Chan grabbed onto his wrists but did not hold on to long because Minho yanked his hand.

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