6. The Noah's Ark Circus

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Starting in this chapter and on, most of the events are not mine. They were created by the manga and it's author Yana Toboso.

"Take care of the manor," Thorne says. "Don't let anyone in. If they say they're here on some form of business relating to the Queen or Earl Phantomhive, inform me and let me see before deciding what to do. I already have the panthers stationed around the property just in case. You know the rest."

The four puppets nod, "yes sir."

"Oh, and Noble, Alpha, stop antagonizing Claire and Ramsey so often." The twins pout. Thorne smirks, continuing, "at least think of something more creative. Simply annoying them is getting old."

Noble and Alpha share a mischievous look as Claire and Ramsey give Thorne a glare, making him chuckle.

"I assure you two, you'll survive,," he replies. "Now, I'm must go check on the master. We must be leaving shortly."

With that, Thorne walks away, heading to Raven's room. He knocks on the door, stepping inside after hearing the "come in."

"Ready to go?" Thorne asks.

"Yes, just finished getting ready," Raven replies, setting down the brush he used for applying the black diamond under his left eye, a mark matching his bond mark. He looks in the mirror, smiling at his circus outfit, "I never realized just how much I missed this. I can't wait."

As Raven makes a few small adjustments to his outfit, Thorne quickly paints the red lightning bolt under his left eye and puts his long hair in a braid over his shoulder, using his magic to add a streak of red to the otherwise black locks.

"Well let's not keep them waiting," Throne says. "Come, Sabre, and we shall be on our way."

Raven grins, following Thorne to the window, the soul keeper's white wings coming out.

"Next stop," Raven says excitedly as Thorne picks him up, "the Noah's Ark Circus."

Ciel and Sebastian make their way into the big top, looking around for anything suspicious, any sign of the missing children. Taking their seats, they watch as a redheaded man appears in the center of the ring and the lights go off, leaving the spotlight on the man.

"Ladies and gentleman. Boys and girls of all ages. Welcome to the incredible, stupendous, unparalleled Noah's Ask Circus."

The master and Butler watch as the man brings out some balls and starts juggling.

"I'm Joker, this evening's ringleader. Pleasure to meet you, it is."

As the show goes on, Ciel keeps his eyes open for anything suspicious. It seems as if nothing is off at all, the only suspicious thing being Sebastian making it out alive after multiple tiger bites, but Ciel already knows how that feat was accomplished.

Joker stands in the center of the ring again, the other performers in a wide circle around him, bringing the show to a close.

"Alright, everyone, thank you for coming," he says. "And I hope you'll come out aga—"

Joker pauses as the lights unexpectedly dim again, and whispers break out among the crowd. Suddenly, two spot lights come on, focused on the two trapeze bars, where two figures are swinging, standing on the bar and hanging on to the ropes, using their weight to swing.

A third spotlight shines on Joker, who laughs. "Well well, ladies and gentlemen, the show's not over yet after all. In an appearance surprising everyone, including myself, please welcome our incredibly talented duo, Sabre and Shadow!"

The Queen's PantherOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora