10. Do it All Tomorrow

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Some lines are from Black Butler: Book of Circus

"How're you feeling?" Raven asks softly as Ciel wakes.

"Not well, but better than yesterday" Ciel replies. "Where's Sebastian?"

"Just outside, talking with Thorne," Raven replies. He holds out a glass of water, "thirsty?"

Ciel nods, accepting the way Raven helps him drink.

"Master, you have arisen," Sebastian says as he and Thorne enter the tent. "I have completed what you asked."

"I assumed as much," Ciel replies, looking to Thorne. "You had your puppet tell me to send Sebastian to you instead of outside the circus. Why?"

"William would not have let him leave," Thorne replies, using the demon as a leaning post. "It saved them the trouble of the meeting they would have had. And it prevented one of the alternate futures from happening."


"You seduced Beast," Thorne says bluntly, cutting off the demon. "I made sure you merrily ran into her."

"Possessive," Raven sings with a grin.

Thorne grins back. "Of course. I don't allow others to touch what's mine."

"So you can see the future?" Ciel asks.

"I can see all the possible futures," Thorne replies. "It's a gift meant for seeing how souls we created will impact the world. As you may have noticed, some of my more chaotic kin just want to watch the world burn."

"Yes, those insane souls can do a lot of damage, can't they," Sebastian muses. "Most are rather bitter too, though there is the odd sweet one here and there."

"Souls have a taste?" Raven asks, tilting his head.

"Indeed," the demon replies. "There's no need to remain at the circus any longer, Master. Let's leave while everyone is at breakfast."

"We'll come with you, if you don't mind," Raven says. "I get the feeling I'll be needed elsewhere outside the circus."

The demon picks up the young earl and the two head out of the tent, Raven and Thorne walking with them.

"We've finished our business here, so we'll be taking our leave," Sebastian says as they pass William.

"Feel free," the reaper replies. "I don't care where you go, as long as your master is with you. Thorne."


The soul keeper stops, letting the other three walk ahead.

"Are you planning to save any of the souls on the To-Die list?" William asks, showing the list to Thorne.

"Indeed," Thorne replies. "The first-stringers will all be attempted. Joker and Doll will not be collected for certain. I believe I can save the others that will be at Phantomhive manor, but I cannot be sure if things will play out in my favour."

"The children?"

Thorne shakes his head sadly. "I would try, but it jeopardizes chances of saving the first-stringers. A life for a life, right?"

"And the Baron Kelvin?" William asks, taking the list back from Thorne.

"Can rot in hell," the soul keeper replies. "He is the reason the guarddog  was tasked with investigating the circus, and I've grown quite fond of it and the first-stringers."

"I don't know how you manage," William says, shaking his head. "Keeping up with your duties and still finding the time to be bonded and enjoy the things mortals have to give."

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