Chapter 26

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"Y/n's right, I've gotta enough of this sis pool. Let's get out of here- where the hell are you going!?" Yato cuts himself off mid sentence noticing Ebisu wandering off the opposite direction.

"I can't leave just yet, the phantoms have increased in number." Ebisu observes, feeling the need to share that fact.

"Don't make eye contact with them, they might've already known we're here, Ebisu" I warn with a knowing smirk.

"Hey won't you look at that, there appears to be one heading right towards, Yato." Ebisu says bluntly.

"Hikki!" Yato chops the bull shaped phantom into two.

"Oh won't you look at that, there's another one" Ebisu makes direct eye contact with a slimy phantom.

"Rika!" I call out, she turns into her wepon form. I kill the parasite, before looking at Ebisu with my annoyed expression.

Yato and I continue killing the disgusting creatures, until finally they stopped appearing out of nowhere. Ebisu randomly starts clapping.

"Wow, excellent work, you two. I can see that you can be very handy down here. I'm terribly uncoordinated, you see. I can't even tie my own shoes,"

'Why does he sound proud of it?' I question to myself.

"Tell me, are you any good with a boe knot?" He asks us.
"Well I'm better with bondage knots" Yato ACTUALLY answers, I sweat drop.
"Oh that's impressive."
"For real?"
"You see I am entirely dependent on my regalia. Oh I should've introduced them by now, I am sorry." He says.

"Kuni, Tatso, Auga" he calls them out and three men appear in front of us. I sigh in frustration, we really didn't have time for this.

They introduce themselves, before we started walking again. I sigh, as this was breaking down the little patience I had with the current situation.

Suddenly, Ebisu falls to his knees.
"Young master!" His regalia called in worry of the god's health.

They talk as I went into thoughts.

This man is the conjurer, but he didn't know that we were coming? Why is it that father made us save him, Yato doesn't care, he just wants to go home. He doesn't care about the consequence that will come soon, and father knows this. He will take advantage of his desperate state.

My eyes furrow. I noticed the blights on Ebisu fading away. The empty injection rolled away in silence. They're blurry faces terrorize my head, memories of Izanami and I's time together flood in.

The water beneath us sucks us in, and I'm faced with...? That lady gives me discounts in the store for coffee jello? Wait, this must be Izanami..?

"What a severely pleasant surprise, I haven't had visitors in so long!~. Let's see, I see new faces," he eyes trail towards me, a gentle smile placed on her pink lips, but I knew better, " and I see old faces. Been a while, Y/n-chan~."

"Would you like to some refreshments? I've got tea, coffee, anything you would like."

"Whatever you do, don't drink anything she offers, or else you'll stay here forever." I warn Ebisu and Yato.

"Ne ne, Y/n-chan. You said you would be my friend, you said you didn't care about my true form. You cruel, cruel liar. You said you wanted the brush, yet at the end. You gave it right back, why is that?"

"You know why I did it Izanami-chan. It was only to use you~"

Threatening aura flooded out of her body, her grief weighed like a heavy blanket under everyone. We took a long jump back.

"If it's the brush you want, then you can have it. Under one condition, one of you three have to stay here forever and be my friend~" she says with that traumatizing smile of her's.

"I'm not planning on staying here. So it has to be one of you two, Y/n, Yato."

"What the hell? We came here to save your sorry ass and this is how you repay us!?" Yato yells.

I smirk, I am not going to let this guy make Yato stay here.

Wait, what about me?


"Y/n, do you still want to, you know, uh, die young?"

Yato's question echoed in my head, before I smirk again,

"Nah, I think I'll live."

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