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A/N: I know I told myself I wasn't going to post anything until a week after season 3 has been released but I had been working on this since the wait and just today I managed to finish the first chapter of book 3


Spoilers ahead, stop reading if you haven't seen the first episode of book 3!



"We need a faster way to get back that does not involve walking." Corvus said as he stopped to put a tired Ezran on the ground after carrying him for so long. "Like horses or at least a cart pulled by them."

It had been two days since the three of them had separated from Rayla and Callum at the border to have them travel into Xadia, and they were already tired from having to walk so much. Amaya was exhausted, Corvus was exhausted, so were Enya, Bait and Ezran and they needed to get home soon.

"I'm fresh out of them, last horse I had was left at that one town by the Cursed Caldera." Enya said as she stopped to remove her water pouch to hand to Ezran. "At this rate, Viren will probably be king and already be setting up to wage war on Xadia by the time we get back to Katolis. We can't keep going at this pace without tiring ourselves out."

"Hey, why don't we-" Ezran piped up before Enya held up a hand to silence him. 

"Rest Ezran, I know you're tired."



Ezran gave a small pout before going with Amaya and Bait to sit under a tree while Enya and Corvus discussed how they were going to get home faster.

"Maybe we should get some horses at the next town." Corvus suggests and Enya shakes her head.

"And with what money? I didn't take any with me due to thinking I didn't have to because I was going to come right back home after finding the princes." Enya points out. "Unless you have some gold hidden in your leather shoulder protector, we can't buy ourselves any horses, not even a skinny malnourished one."

"Maybe we could just borrow some from someone!"

"And who on this green earth are we going to borrow horses from?"

"Guys!" The two adults turned and yelped in surprise as two large banthers emerged from the woods, Ezran sitting atop of one with Amaya and Bait. "Found our ride home!"

"Why am I not surprised?" Corvus mutters to Enya as Ezran slides off his banther. "Was this what you were trying to suggest to us earlier?"

"Yeah, but you two kept shushing me." Ezran responds. "I could have gotten deer, but that probably wouldn't have gone so well, so I found a pair of banthers to help us out. And it's perfect!"

"Okay but there are two." Enya points out. 

"I can carry Bait in my backpack while holding onto Amaya, you two can ride on the other."

"FIne then, Enya can ride behind me and hold on." Corvus says with a nod and turns to his companion. "Ever to one before?"

"If I accidentally bruise your chest from holding on so tightly  apologize in advance." Enya says with a shrug as one of the banthers walks over to her and sniffs her hair. "When I was a kid we had these prowling outside my house all the time, my dad wouldn't let me outside when they were out."

"Why not? They're harmless unless you're food." Ezran points out.

"Because a mother banther one time found five-year-old me playing out in the woods and took me back to her burrow where her cubs were at. My parents thought I was going to be eaten but it was winter and she was trying to keep me warm. My mother wouldn't stop laughing over the fact that I was temporarily adopted by a banther family." Enya explains with a laugh. "My grandfather wouldn't let my dad live it down, some people in the village took to calling me "the banther kid" for a while after that."

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