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One again, spoilers ahead, don't read ahead if you have not seen season 3


Enya awoke the next morning with something warm pressed against her chest, and for a moment she thought it was Ezran or Bait, until she heard it give a sneeze and heard something metallic jingle before Amaya's familiar head poked out from under her blankets.

"Aww, good morning girl." Enya coos as the sheep dog snuggles against her. "Yeah, I missed waking up with you snuggling me too, it's been quite lonely without you these past few days."

Amaya whines as Enya kicks back the blankets so they could both get out of bed. Her bare feet hit the cold floor and she shivered slightly before shoving her feet into her slippers and walked to her closet.

"Let's see, since I'm going to be the official tailor of the kingdom until dad gets back...I guess I could wear something else to look a bit nicer." She murmured as she grabbed a shirt she remembered sewing for herself a while back, a simple soft green one and a dark brown one. "So, which should I choose?"

She turns to Amaya, who was poking her head out from under the blankets. The sheep dog cocked her head in curiosity as her owner held one shirt in front of herself. Getting no reaction, she held the other shirt in front of herself and Amaya's fluffy tail wagged excitedly.

"Green in it is!" Enya laughs as she puts the other one back into her closet. "And I guess I'll wear my favorite skirt with it this time."

Once dressed, Enya proceeded to carefully brush out the tangles from her hair, humming softly to herself as she did so while her fluffy companion watched in interest. As she started to braid a part of her hair to pin it back, she suddenly got an idea.

Let's try a new hairstyle this time. Enya decided to rebraid her hair, but this time she carefully twisted it behind her head and grabbed a few hairpins to pin it into place so she had a sort of braided bun sitting behind her head. There! Now that looks nicer than my usual half pulled back hair look.

"So, do I look nicer?" She asks turning to her dog. Amaya barked happily, wagging her tail and nuzzling her hand, earning a giggle from her owner. "Alright, now let's get to work."

There was a bit of a huge pile of clothing that was waiting for them when they returned to the castle yesterday, each one with a small note attached to it stating who it belonged to. At least last night she managed to get some done before Corvus had came around to her place to make her go to bed, and was now passed out in one of the chairs in the workshop.

"Hey, wake up huntsman." Enya said softly, shaking his shoulder gently. Corvus gave a loud snort as his eyes snapped open. Enya gave a small laugh as he quickly sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Well good morning to you, sleepyhead. Sleep well?"

"What...what time is it?" Corvus asked with a yawn as he stood up to stretch.

"Six in the morning, I think."

"Do you always get up this early?"

"Don't you, mister army man?"

Corvus rolled his eyes. "Ha ha, very funny. Anyways, how much work do you have to do?"

"All that." Enya points behind him to the large basket filled over the top with clothes. "First I'd have to sort through the clothes and put them in piles ranging from how bad the tears are, then I get started on the ones that are not as time consuming and have Amaya deliver them, them I start working on the more harder ones. Normally if my dad was here we'd have these done by the end of the week."

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