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( 2 weeks later)
We had an amazing trip and went to the beach constantly with the Butlers. It was time to go back to Idaho and honestly if Logan and the crew weren't living in Idaho I would be distraught. I've never felt so deeply about a group of people than I do about the Butlers, and I've never been in love like I am with Logan. He changed my entire world and I forget what it was like to be alive before him. It feels like we've known each other for all our lives. Me and Ali had driven to the Apartment to ride with Logan because they were leaving too. We called the rental place to tell them where to pick the car up and we all headed to the airport. Shay, Colette, Emmi, Brock and Daxton all were on the same flight as Ali and I while Logan and the other 2 kids drove back home. I kissed Logan for a few minutes in his truck while the others got bags out of their vehicle. "I don't want to leave you. I know we'll see each other in a few days but it feels like it's too long." He said.
"I know. I hate it. I love you so much." I said with tears in my eyes. He hugged me and stroked my back. We sat in each others arms for a minute in the quiet until Colette tapped on the window and told me we had to go. Me and Logan kissed again and he gave me a hug and said goodbye. I went outside and hugged Gavin and Avia since they'd be with Logan and followed the Butlers and my sister to the inside of the airport. I already had Snapchat open and send Logan a sadface picture and said I miss you already. He sent one back saying 'I know :( me too' and we walked to security.
We got on the plane a while later and we sat in our seats. There was hardly anyone on the plane so we got to all sit by each other. Ali insisted on a window seat and put her headphones in. She didn't love flying much. I sat next to her, and Emmi would have threw a fit if she didn't get to sit by me. About 20 minutes in she fell asleep and laid her head on my shoulder. I looked over at her and smiled. I looked up at Shay and Colette who were each holding a boy, Colette holding Daxton and Shay holding Brock who was also asleep. They looked over at me and Shay got out his camera and vlogged us. I smiled and waved at him and mouthed "She is so precious" and he laughed a little and turned the camera off.
A few hours later we were back on the ground in Idaho.
"Emmi it's time to wake up sweetheart" I said to her and stroked her hair. She was curled up in a ball still laying her head on me. She woke up and hugged me. "She likes to snuggle when she wakes up" Shay said and picked her up and draped her over his shoulder. I got my stuff together and left the row and waited in the center aisle for Ali. We all left the plane and I texted Logan
"Just got to the airport. Miss you 😘"
A few minutes later I got a message
"This is Avia. Logan said to say Miss you too Babe but I told him thats gross so I changed it to just Miss You :)" I laughed out loud and Shay peeked over my shoulder and laughed too. "Thaaaats Avia for you." He said and caught up to Colette and Brock. He set Emmi down when we got off the plane and she was holding one of my hands. She looked up at me and said "Hey Cassidy? Are you going to marry my uncle Logan? I want you to be my auntie." I smiled at her and said "maybe Em. You'll have to ask uncle Logan about that. He would have to ask me first" I said, and just like that my future with Logan flashed in front of me. I couldn't help but smile. We kept walking until we hit baggage claim. Ali and I grabbed our matching bags and waited with the Butlers until their stuff arrived. Once it did we hugged them goodbye and Shay said "I look foward to seeing you again very soon Cas!" "Me too Shay!" I said back. Colette thanked me for entertaining the kids and I told her it wasn't a problem at all and that I'd love to do it again. Emmi and Brock hugged me again and I waved at Daxton. We left the area and began to look for our parents. I couldn't wait to tell them what had happened

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