chapter 5 :home alone

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Marcos POV :
I wake up the next morning to the sounds of a crying baby " not again !" I say to myself " I've had to wake up dozens of times last night to help Emma to sleep ." Then all of a sudden the crying stops " weird....." I get out of my bed and walk to Emma's crib but before I go inside her room I hear the most beautiful singing voice .

Inside I see star singing to Emma . Star had her in her arms and Emma looked so peaceful . Star sang so beautifully, I didn't even know she could sing so well . But sadly star stopped as Emma had fallen asleep , she placed Emma into bed and when Star turned around she noticed me and started blushing of embarrassment . " Star you can sing really well ." Marco said with a smile " um.... thanks I guess . It's nothing really special"
" are you kidding me ?! You sang beautifully!"
" ok...thanks" Star said shyly .

Later that day :
Janna came over " SUP BITCHES !!" Janna said as she burst into the house uninvited " SHHH " Star and Marco whispered/ screamed at Janna . "Sorry...." Janna said embarrassed as she walked over to star and Marco " why are we being so quiet?" Janna whispered to star and Marco " look..." Marco said pointing towards the crib Emma was sleeping in " we've been trying to put her to sleep all day ." Star said "wow , you guys are parents now ?" Janna questioned " ok why does everyone say that ! It's not our kid Janna !" Star commented " sorry !"
Janna said sassy . Then the baby started to cry again " Great ! Just fucking great !" Marco commented , both him and Star walked over to the crib and picked Emma up in attempt to stop her from crying . After ten minutes the baby stopped crying " we did it !" Star whispered to Marco as she gave him a High five " totally, now we can finally sit down !" Star , Marco and Janna all sat together on the couch and watched tv "I'm gonna go get some water ." Star said as she left to go to the kitchen . " so Marco... are you and Star a thing ?" Janna questioned " "
" are you surreeee ?"
" ya , me and star are just friends ."
" umm... but do you want to be something more than that with her?..." Janna questioned " WHAT NO !" Marco said while blushing " ok..." Janna said not convinced yet .

Star came back " so what were you guys taking about ?"she asked " nothing , nothing at all !"Marco replied quickly while still blushing . " ok weird...." Star replied confused as Janna who was next to her was smirking. Marco mouth to her " STOP IT !" But inside Janna kept smirking .

After a while janna left and Star and Marco went to go to the park with Emma just to give her some fresh air . Our favorite ship started talking about random things like life and just random best friend conversations .

When they got home to see Layla was back "wait , i thought you were coming back tomorrow?" Marco asked " oh I just couldn't wait any longer to see my sweet baby Emma " Layla says as she picked up Emma from the stroller " thank you guys for taking care of Emma , I really appreciate it !" Layla said turning back to Marco and star " oh no problem " Star replied " so where are my mom and dad ?" Marco asked " you see I went back home because I missed Emma so much but your parents decided to stay the extra day ." Layla replied " uh...." Marco asked confused . Soon after Layla packed up her baby stuff and she left with Emma " bye guys!" Both Star and Marco said as they waved Layla and Emma goodbye . " I'm gonna miss Emma..." Star said sad " it's ok " Marco said encouragingly .

" Marco you know what this means?...." she said with a smirk " what?...." he replied back .

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