Chapter 37: battle

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This is the end of the line , butterfly !" Galaxia says as she points her wand towards Star . The others lay on the ground , unable to move or help Star .

" NO !" A sudden yell is heard from the near distance. Galaxia turned around to see moon , in her butterfly form with eyes lifelessly looking at her in anger . " I SAID NO !" Moon says as she takes all 6 hands and sends a blindly powerful burst at Galaxia.

Galaxia uses her wand to stop the magic  from reaching her , she uses her own magic trying to bring back the same amount of power as Moon is .

" what don't you butterflies give up ?" Galaxia says with a smirk . Her magic is gaining more effect than moons .

Star who regains consciousness , looks up above her and see her mom and Galaxia in a tight battle . Moon notices stars " YOU HAVE TO GET OUT IF HERE !" Moon yells at her daughter . " no...." Star mummers under her breathe .

Star takes in a deep breathe using all the energy Inside of her . The sky turns grey with dark clouds surrounding them , Kelly , Tom , Ponyhead , moon and Galaxia all face Star as she slowly rises into the air , hair floating in all directions. Star opens her eyes , her pupils and irises were no longer I sight . A strong yellow light blinds all of them , it was coming from Star . Star opens all six of her arms gracefully letting them all rest onto the air . She takes her left hand and points it towards , sending a powerfully force towards Galaxia.

With not enough time to respond , Galaxia gets hit and sent into a hillside , crashing hard .

Stars eyes turn back to normal as her power fades away and the magic leaves . Star who was floating in the air , falls to the ground in the blink of an eye.

She lay on the ground almost dead . Her mom runs towards her crying " Star ! Star ! Please be ok !!"

Marcos POV :
I know what it truly means to be depressed , the love of my life left me along with our child . I couldn't be more heartbroken .
" hola mojo !" My mom says as she enters my house unexpectedly . She only takes one quick peak around my apartment to notice the mess . " where's star ?" She asked " gone, like my life !" Marco says dramatically .

" Marco what happened ?" His mom said as she took a set next to marco . " Star.. she left me...and she was pregnant with my child..."
" MARCO ! How could you be so irresponsible !?" His mom yells at him . " I'm sorry mom , ok !"
Angie let out a sigh before speaking again . " I should be so hard on you , Layla told me how well you and Star took care of Emma . You woudlve been a great father Marco..."
Marco looks up at his mom for the first time . " thanks..." he says with a faint smile appearing on his face .

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