Chapter 29: accepted

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"I'm... I'm pregnant " I drop the pregnancy test on the ground and I feel a wave of tears fall down my face .
" Nononononononono , I can't be pregnant ! No , not now !"

I sit down on the floor with my knees to my chest crying my eyes out . " what will I do ? What will my parents think ? What will my friends think ? But most importantly... what will marco think ?

What if he doesn't want the baby ?What if he breaks up with her ?
What is Star gonna do ?

After a while star stops crying and manages to take a breath . " ok butterfly, calm down , CALM THE FUCK DOWN !its gonna be alright ! It's gonna be just fine ! Just breath ! This isn't so bad ,right ?!"

After Star has her mini panic attack she tells herself she decides to take a walk .

Star goes outside , she walks around the park , not looking for anyone or anything but just walking around trying to calm herself down and figure this all out .

Marcos POV :
I'm not really paying any attention in my chemistry class . All I'm doing is waiting for the clock to strike 3:00 pm so I can't get out of this class and go home . " Marco diaz ! Marco diaz to the front office !" The lady says at the speaker .
When I get to the front office , I didn't have to wait to get in , they let me in immediately. I see my business professor and another guy standing next to him .
" um.. hi ?"
" is Marco the name ?" The stranger said as he took out his hand for me to shake , I gotta admit he looked pretty professional, I wonder what he wants .

"The names Louis Garinson ,I am the creator and owner of the Garinson business in London . Each year I pick a lucky student from a few colleges in America to come study in London to Pursue a business career . Your professor told me you were one of the smartest students in his class and he said you would be perfect for this ." Louis said as she looked over to Marcos professor who nodded .
Louis pulled out an envelope and handed it to marco . " here , I think you should take this , it's a once in a life time opportunity that some college students could only dream of ."

" uh... I don't know what to say . Thank you , I will definitely consider ."

Marco put the envelope in his pocket and left .

Marcos POV :
OMG , this is incredible! I could actually go and study IN LONDON !

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