Chapter 14: fallen

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" OHHHHHH !!!!" The group shouted to marco and Star " Marco wants to protect his girlfriend , Aww !!" Janna squealed " im not gonna lie marco , your a good boyfriend , looking out for your girlfriend like that ." Brandon applauded Marco .

" guys were not dating , ok ? Marco and I are just friends , he's just looking out for me , no biggie !" Star replied .

Star went to the top of the cliff , with her friends standing behind her . A worried Marco watched in terror as Star made her way to the lead to do the dare .

Marcos POV :
Please be safe Star...

Star stood by the edge looking forwards and screamed at the top of her lungs " HI ,HOW ARE YOU ?!" She screamed as the group behind her started to cheer and Applauded stars bravery .

When everyone thought it was fine . Star suddenly slipped off the edge and feel into the lake .

The group watched as she feel , it scared all of them , but not as much as Marco .

Without caring about Marcos safety or whatever he had on him like his phone or money . He dove into the water to go save Star .

While everyone else shouted at him not to do it , but he did it anyways .

Marcos POV :
As I dove in the water and crashed hard onto the water , I felt the pain hit me like a bullet but I didn't care . As I rose to the surface of the water , I frantically searched my surroundings for Star . " STAR , STAR !" I yelled as I anxiously looked around for her . I dove back underwater and searched for her .

I saw her down almost at the Bottom of the lake , drifting unconscious.

I swam down to the water and reached her enough to grab her by her arm and quickly brought her to the surface , swimming quickly to land .

As I reached the shallow water I picked her up bridal style and carried her onto land . I placed her onto the ground as the group came rushing down to help me .

She was still unconscious. I pumped her chest and gave her mouth to mouth . She was starting to spit out the water , I continued giving her mouth to mouth in hopes she would came back to consciousness. The others stood speechless around me .

A couple years ago , I took CPR lessons because I know maybe one day it would come in need and thank god for those lessons because it worked !

" COUGH , COUGH !" Star said as she spit out liters of water .

Marco , who was thankful his best friend was alive , gave Star a tight hug . While everyone else around came to star ,in relief she was still alive .

" what happened?" Star asked as she looked around her . " Star you feel off the ledge and into the water , Marco came and rescued you . You were unconscious but Marco gave you CPR ." Janna explained .

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