Chapter 32: break free

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Stars POV :
I've been on earth for about a month now , so I am only 1 month into my pregnancy . My pregnancy isn't very notable yet in appearance but I can feel the changes in my body , I have constant headache and I vomit every day . I'm not gonna say I love it , but Marcos makes it better . He dropped out of college just so he could stay home and take care of me , He's the sweetest . Both of our parents don't know yet but we aren't ready to tell them . My time on earth so far has been good , but I wonder what's happening on mewni . I haven't seen my parents in a while .

Back on mewni :
Moons POV :
I rush into the crystal room to see all the guards panicking . I look up at the crystal and it is breaking , " WHATS HAPPENING !" Hekapoo yells as she and the high commission burst into the room .

Then all of a sudden the crystal burst , "why hello there !" She says say she floats in the air with her magic wand in her hands .
" you , what do you want from us ?!" Moon screams at Galaxia .
" I came her to take what was mine , mewni !"
" guards take her down !" Hekapoo orders the guards . The guards charge towards Galaxia but with a blow of magic , she wipes them all out .

Rhombulus try's firing crystals at Galaxia but misses each time . Galaxia manages to suck Rhombulus's powers.
" My powers !" He cries as he try's to do magic but it fails .

Moon turns into her butterfly form . Attempting to attack Galaxia, but Galaxias magic was stronger .

Hekapoo duplicating herself , charging towards Galaxia from all directions. With a simple spin , Galaxia used her wand to wipe away all of the Hekapoos .

" ENOUGH !" She screams at all the lifeless bodies on the floor . "Mewni , must be mine !" She says as she floats out of the crystal room .

Moons POV :
Oh no !

The high commission and moon get up "what do we do ?!" Hekapoo begins . " we need to evaluate all mewnimans and we need to protect Star !" Moon reply's .

Galaxia POV :
I've finally broken out of my crystal, after all those years I will finally get my revenge on the butterflies !
But most importantly , the new queen of mewni, Star Butterfly!

*for all of you who don't know , Galaxia has supernatural powers which allow her to possess dark magic and her powers give her the ability to know where her enemies are and give abilities to take away people's powers and turn them into hers .*

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