Aww man

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•Loki's POV•
At 11 the next day, I told Romanoff that I was going down to Thor's for a bit, and she let me take her car.
When I got there, I silently walked to Thor's house.
The door was unlocked, though I don't know why.

I walked in, greeted by the smell of cheap alcohol.
"Thor?" I said lightly.
I heard footsteps and saw Thor step in front of me.
Except, he looked kind of different.
His hair was longer, and pulled back into a short ponytail, and for some reason he got his eye back.
He smiled when he saw me, and pulled me into a hug.

"Loki!" He yelled happily.
I just akwardly stood as Thor hugged me, and when he let got Thor shoved a bottle into my hand.

I looked at it speechlessly, then looked back at Thor.

We spent most of the night watching movies, Thor insisted on watching this one called 'The Bee Movie'.
I was so drunk at that point that I would laugh at every single bee pun in the movie, no matter how bad it was.

Thor also introduced me to Minecraft, which I quite enjoyed even though it took me about an hour to figure out.
Those creeper things terrify me.

I don't remember much of that night, though.
I remember I locked myself in the bathroom and cried so hard I vomited.
Or maybe it was the alcohol.
I dunno.

I just remember waking up in the middle of the floor with an empty bottle in my hand. It was still dark outside.
My head hurt and everything was a bit blurry. I stood up and immediately felt my throat lurch.
I ran to the bathroom, covering my mouth as to not throw up everywhere.

I fell next to the toilet.

It was disgusting.

I walked back to the living room and grabbed my phone. My neck was hurting really badly.
I checked the time.
It was 1:45 AM.


Desolated - book 3 •StrangeFrost•Where stories live. Discover now