09) A Storm is Brewing

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I fiddle with my crown necklace, that I finally decided to wear, as I lounged across my couch. After everything that went on recently, I decided to take a break from the supernatural and have normal day. My mom was at work, Elijah was up to something, and my friends were busy with the supernatural. This left me with the whole day to myself to do anything I wanted to do.

I finally finished any school work I had for the week before moving on to my college letters. With everything supernatural going on, I still forget that I am graduating in the spring. Anyways, I picked up the stack of college acceptance letters to begin to narrow down my options. I started with universities like Harvard and Yale before working my way down to the more local colleges. Among the many rejections letters, there were three schools that actually accepted me.

There was Whitmore university that was very close to town, but it was still far enough for me to live on campus. The next one was a university in Pennsylvanina which was kind of small but adorable. Lastly, there was a university in New Orleans that was very close to my Uncle Marcel. There were a lot of pros and cons to each school, but I finally decided on one after spending two hours comparing the schools. I bit my lip and called up one of the first two people I wanted to know my decision.

"Hey uncle Marcel, I hope your offer for me staying with you while I go to school next year still stands"

"Yes it does..."
I bit my lip as I patiently waiting for my mom to finally come home after work to tell her the news. I accepted the offer from the university in New Orleans and was able to get a full ride there. Meaning, I would mostly have to pay for my books and clothes due to having the ability to commute. Anyways, I waited for my mom to come home before growing worried as another hour pass. I had texted her but heard nothing back nor received on phone call from her. My phone began to ring causing me to jump and answer it.

"Mom" I answered hoping it was just her borrowing a phone.

"Asteria, it's Sheriff Forbes. Something happened and you need to get to the hospital" Caroline's mom says. I quickly hung up before grabbing my jacket and booking it to the hospital. I quickly ran inside and up to the front desk to find out what happened to my mom.

"Ellsin" a doctor asked causing me to turn towards him.

"I'm her daughter. Is she okay" I replied worriedly. The doctor explain how she just got out of surgery and did not know when she would wake up.

"Do you know what happened" I questioned the doctor.

"Animal attack, seems to be a wolf to be exact... you can go and see her if you want to" he says before giving me my mother's room number. I wasted no time making my way to her room to see the state she was in. I got to her room and slowly walked in to find a sight I wish I could unsee. My mom laid there in the hospital bed, bandage and put cold with machines helping her stay alive. I walked over and gently grabbed her hand before sitting down. I held her hand and stayed like that for hours before someone else came into the room.

"Asteria" I heard Elijah say softly followed by a hand being placed on my shoulder.

"I should have checked sooner.." I said looking up at him in tears. He knelt down beside me and wiped the tears away before glancing over at my mom.

"I know sorry will not change what happened nor you thinking that way will," he started before going on to say, "but do know that whoever did this will not live another day"

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