❅ Chapter Twenty-Four ❅

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Vincent soon met up with Rolando at the La Closerie des Lilas café to have lunch which he managed to find coincidentally on his way back to the hotel. Seeing Rolando seated outside, he slipped into the seat across from him. "Hello, Rolando." He greeted his old friend and guardian, unusually happy.

Rolando paused mid-way through his meal and looked up at the smiling face of Vincent, which wasn't like him. That was unusual. Unexpectedly even to see Vincent so happy. What had gotten into him? "Oh, Vincent, hello. How did it go with your father? From what I can tell it must have gone well or else I wouldn't be smiling." He motioned towards his face.

Vincent simply nodded his head, confirming what Rolando had thought. "It went well, I was shocked how it went down. He was surprised and glad I visited, he regrets leaving me and wants to make up for lost time. I don't blame him anymore, he was young and had no clue how to handle a baby." He replied, trying to find understanding deep in him to put himself in Brandon's shoes.

Rolando was happy to hear that, his face brightened up at what the boy had said. Seeing him in this new light brought joy to his heart. He felt the pride of a father. "I am glad you made amends with your father. I hope to meet him one of these days. I will make time to visit him at the prison." He said making a mental note of what he was going to do.

Vincent shook his head, knowing he didn't need to go to prison. "No need, he is getting out in a few days and I promised to help him find a place and a job. Do you have any suggestions? I have a few things I can pawn for money to rent him a place for a job, I know that is your domain." He asked hesitantly, rubbing the back of his neck.

Rolando was surprised he was getting out but was glad about the timing of things or else he wouldn't have been able to find him. "Oh, he is? That is wonderful and that is very kind of you to do Vincent. I can make a few calls and see if there is anything he can do, but it isn't going to be easy with his record of stealing." He knew that there would be obstacles but he was willing to go through them for Vincent.

Vincent rubbed the back of his neck, chewing the inside of his lip. Those words hit home for him, he hadn't given much thought about jobs for himself. "I know that all too well, for myself, finding a job is going to be tough but first my sole focus is going back to Canada and making amends after I make them here first." He needed to apologize and forgive people.

Rolando reached over and patted his shoulder, giving an encouraging smile. "I can put in a good word for you if you need. My word holds weight to certain people I know. Would you like to tell me what you guys talked about?" He was curious about what was spoken about since that morning. He wanted to hear everything that they spoke about.

Vincent was glad he had asked since he wanted to talk about it. "Everything pretty much. From the whole fiasco with Risa and the Rosenbergs, yes I left out what Stella had told us and only said the count and countless. I managed to let it slip about all the times we almost had gotten killed but I explained I wasn't a target and after those two incidents everything else has been smooth." He explained with a smile.

Rolando chuckled, not because of what he said but because of him having to explain why they were targeted which Vincent normally never would admit. "You were rambling, weren't you? Ever since that night, whenever you get onto a subject you begin to ramble on about something else that ties into it." He pointed out. It wasn't a bad thing, it was sorta cute, that would be what Risa would say if she was on good terms with him.

Vincent was beginning to realize that Rolando knew him more than he knew himself. "Yes, I did ramble quite a bit. My father didn't mind me rambling. It was the most words he had gotten since he came to prison." He gave a faint smile at that since it was nice to hear someone like him talking a lot.

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