Twenty-Two: Panthera

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She stared at him, unable to say a word. He studied her for a long moment, and then turned away, turning his back on her, keeping his knowledge to himself. There was no more need for her to say anything.

He knew exactly who she was.

"Who are you?"

He glanced back at her as he settled in one of the chairs in the room, for once not fretting about the enclosing stone. "You truly wish to ask me that?"

She lifted her chin, bending to pick up her scattered pins as she pushed her thick hair away from her face. "I don't know what to think," she muttered, before coming back inside. "I don't know who you are."

He grinned fleetingly, leaning back comfortably. "I am an elf."

She scowled at him. "I know that! But how do you know me?"

He shook his head slightly, gathering his feet under him to stand up, facing her. "Simple. You are a priestess, I am an elf. The words of the old ones are not just limited to the humans. We knew of them as well."

She stared at him, her mouth open in shock, her eyes wide. He touched her cheek with the back of his hand, feather-light, and then dropped it.

"You seem surprised, little priestess."

That got a reaction. She snapped her mouth closed, irritation flaring in her eyes. "I am not little!"

He merely snorted in amusement, and finally gave in to his instincts.

He crushed his mouth onto hers, taking her completely by surprise. She squeaked in shock, amusing him, but he tore away soon enough, turning his back on her. He didn't want to look at her, couldn't look at her.

He'd sworn not to break another heart.

She seemed to be of a different mind.

"What did you do that for?"

He ignored her, cursing himself under his breath. He retreated to the terrace, the winter air cold on his skin, but he ignored that too. He just needed to get away from her.

She followed him.

"Panthera? I ... I don't understand."

He glanced at her, his eyes dark with supressed emotion, and when he spoke, his voice was rough. "Go away."

She refused, lifting her chin. She seemed to have done that a lot in the past evening. "No. Why did you do that?"

"I have my reasons."

"That's no excuse!"

"I'm not making them, am I?" He turned, staying away from her.

She lifted her chin, glaring at him with her dark eyes. "You're a fool."

"So I've been told, many a time."

She scowled, but he could see buried humour struggling to free itself in her eyes. "You ..."

He sighed, glancing out at the sky. "What do you want?"

She jerked her chin. "You arrogant ..."

"I know, priestess. What do you want?" His voice hardened, his annoyance cutting through the air. Her eyes narrowed.

"Come," she ordered, but he only lifted an eyebrow.

"Come?" he echoed. "And when did I start listening to you?"

"Just do it!"

He stepped closer to her, knowing that she felt intimidated. He didn't care.

"You test my patience, girl," he hissed, his eyes growing darker. "I would watch what you say."

"You ... you ..." She clearly didn't know what else to say.

He solved the problem easily.

"Go away."

Blood Memories [Last of Elves book 1] (NaNoWriMo 2014)Where stories live. Discover now