Twenty-Seven: Naameh

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But if he doesn’t let me, then what can I do? I know nothing of the elves, truly.  What I thought I knew … is nothing, really. Only the bare facts, the mysteries surrounding them. Nothing of their lives, their homes, what they did. The link with the earth that he says they have – had.

If only he would tell me, teach me. I know the elves were once the only people in this land, before the humans came. And at first, we lived in harmony. There is, after all, the well known tale of the Forgotten City. But nothing else is known of them. It’s like they vanished, almost destroying their records and stories, leaving no trace.

If he truly is the last one – as I believe he is – then his history, and the history of his people, must be saved. There is no other choice. They were once a vital part to the land, to the earth, and to the goddess. It would be folly to not understand what they once did.

But if I can’t help him, if he doesn’t let me help them, then I don’t know what to do. He is so stubborn, so rude. I know he hates me, and I know he wants me gone. Just as he wants to be free of the temple.

In truth, I don’t really blame him. I often find it suffocating in here, and wish for a way to escape myself. But I never can. The warriors are with me at all times, keeping me safe, they say. I wonder whether they realise that I don’t care.

I think Panthera knows I don’t like it here. For some reason, I feel more relaxed around him, safer even. Safer than when I’m with the warriors. I don’t know why, and I don’t know if I want to know why.

He’s such an … I don’t know how to describe him, really. He’s different. He cares not at all for my rank, and it is refreshing to have to argue with someone.

But he still confuses me. Scares me, too. His actions contradict each other. One moment he’s yelling at me, fury in his eyes, the next he’s …well. He’s so different. If he was willing to help me, as I am willing to help him, I believe that what the goddess wants him to do will be done. But if we can’t work together … then I don’t know what to do.

I’m scared of what will happen if he fails.

Blood Memories [Last of Elves book 1] (NaNoWriMo 2014)Where stories live. Discover now