Fifty-Four: Kuraĝon

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The cloak seemed to work. No one gave her a second glance as she hurried through the streets, trying not to look like she was in fear of her life.

Unerringly, her feet took her to her brother’s small home, where he’d been living since arriving in the city. She’d been there only twice. The first was when he’d first arrived, and she’d followed him to try and convince him to return. It hadn’t worked.

The second was only weeks ago, when she’d tried to find him to tell him the news. Finding it empty had given her the shock of her life, and she’d nearly broken down then and there, no longer sure what to do. She hadn’t forgotten how to get there.

Glancing around as she got to the door, she let herself in, slipping the key back into her pocket.

She was greeted by her beastkin, the young companion that rarely left her side. Still classified as a baby, the beastkin was about the size of a large dog, with shaggy tawny fur, and very sharp teeth. At first sight, many humans would call him a full grown housecat, although very big, for it was what he looked like.

At the sight of her, his golden eyes lit up, and he galloped towards her on oversized paws. When he grew into them, and his long tail, she knew that his shoulders would likely be level with her breastbone, making him a creature to be respected. She hugged him close, tears falling down her cheeks to soak into his long, shaggy coat.

He’d been a gift from Ailill, and now one of the few things that she had left to remember him by.

“Vakt,” she whispered. It was their word for ‘guard’ in the elftongue, a reflection of his role as he grew. Right now, though, because he was still a baby, he still had a lot to learn in the way of protecting

His deep purr rumbled through her, vibrating the whole of his body as he nuzzled her stomach. She stroked his head, and stood up, looking around. She couldn’t take very much with her, and she had to be fast. She didn’t want to be caught here if the warriors came searching.

She fed him, knowing that he would be hungry, and thanked whoever might be listening that beastkins only ate once or twice a week. He’d been fine while she’d been gone. As she collected the items she wanted to take with her, dumping them all into a bag she could sling over her shoulder, the kitten watched her, not taking his golden eyes off her.

At last, she was ready. Dipping her hand in her pocket, she drew out the object she’d retrieved from the ashes, holding it in her palm. It was the amulet she’d given Ailill before he’d left them for good, hoping that he would return to her. It hadn’t happened – she’d gone to him, but she hoped that it would help her. Somehow.

Swallowing back fresh tears, she slipped the leather thong around her neck, feeling the stone settled under her shirt, and picked up the bag.

“Come on, Vakt,” she murmured, and left the house, locking it behind her. She wasn’t planning on returning anytime soon.

Following her instincts, she wandered the city, managing to avoid the patrols of warriors on the lookout for her. There were few people on the streets, because it was late now. Most would be at home, with their families. She kept her head down, and hurried on, eventually coming to an inn. Knowing that she would have to stay the night somewhere, she went inside.

After hiring a room with little fuss and locking the door behind her, she sat on the musty old bed with a sigh of relief. Except that the dust that clouded the air at her movements made her sneeze. She couldn’t stop.

When she finally did, Vakt was looking at her quizzically, and she giggled, surprising herself. “Sorry, baby,” she said, letting him climb onto the bed beside her. “They’re only sneezes.”

He merely purred, curling into a tight ball at her back. His body heat spread through her, and she could feel herself relaxing.

Tonight. She would stay tonight. In the morning, she would leave the city. She couldn’t stay. Not with the priestess actively searching for her, and the sharp, painful memory of watching her brother burn.

Memories that stuck in her mind, in her heart.

Memories that hurt.

Blood Memories [Last of Elves book 1] (NaNoWriMo 2014)Where stories live. Discover now