Thirty-Six: Naameh

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I never thought anything like that would happen. I don’t know how they found their way in, but the warriors will bear the brunt of my captain’s anger. He will be furious once he finds out.

Thank the goddess that Panthera heard.

It was a slim chance, I admit. He could easily have been too far away, or even ignored it. I know that he hates for anyone to be hurt, but I know he hates what I’ve done for him. I would have understood if he’d stayed away. If he hadn’t interfered with the temple warriors’ duty. I can only hope that he realises what this means. That he understands he has to take the captain’s place. There is no other choice for him now.

He shocked me today. I never thought he would do something like this. Elf-friend. It’s been so long since someone was made one that it was thought to be a legend, just like the elves. But it’s not. Just as they’re not. What confuses me, though, is why. I’ve done nothing worthy of earning the ilya.

I didn’t think he’d come. The warriors, yes. But they are supposed to. It’s their job, their life. It’s not his. He is only here because he gave himself to the goddess.

He’s not made for this. He’s made to be free, like the elves of old. As his name suggests. Panthera. The panther. I still don’t understand why he did that to himself.

It was so clear he was running for his freedom. Running from his past.

I must know. I have to be able to save the land, save the people. I have no other choice.

The only problem is Panthera. I don’t know what he will choose, what he wishes to do. I know that he wants to leave here. I know that he wants to return to his home.

And yet.

Yet he chose the sword. I’m hesitant to say that he chose me. But the way he asked … I don’t know what to think. He didn’t care for their lives. It was like he was asking whether it would rain or not.

But there was fury in his eyes.

I don’t know what to think of it.

Blood Memories [Last of Elves book 1] (NaNoWriMo 2014)Where stories live. Discover now