Fifty-Three: Naameh

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Again, I have underestimated them. I had no idea that she would flee, that she felt such strong emotions for him. Interesting that she felt such emotion for an elf.

She is so young, too young to be alone in the world. I assumed that she would stay. Perhaps in fear of the world, or because of her ignorance.

Clearly I was wrong.

I must have scared her, brought the grief and pain too close to the surface. She ran from me, and I don’t know how I can bring her back. I have to bring her back. She cannot stay on the streets. Panthera brought her here because she was there, and I have to keep his wishes.

She took the sword.

I wish I’d had a closer look at it. The engravings on the hilt looked almost familiar, as if I’d seen them before. The blade had the same shimmer that Panthera’s dagger had; that strange blue sheen. I think I’d heard him call it called acero – elfblade.

Whatever it is, it suits them. Delicate and dangerous. Capable of both great beauty and great strength.

The hilt was the same. Made of strong metal, it was carved with extraordinary precision and skill. It was fine workmanship. There seemed to be a small gemstone set into the pommel, but I can’t know for sure until I see it again. Hold it in my hands.

It fit comfortably in her hands. It fit comfortably in the merchant’s hands, too. That makes me think it was made to be comfortable no matter what the grip. Meaning that it was made by an elf, of course. No human has that amount of skill. It would take a lifetime. That in itself means the blade is old. Very old.

The elves have been gone a long, long time.

I wonder what Panthera would have done with the blade. How he would have used it. Whether it would look even more like an extension of his arm than the sword he had been using. I don’t remember ever seeing him use it. I always thought that he used the human made one, the one that the captain had given him.

I will never find out now. Because I was stupid, and didn’t see the whole picture.

I hope that my warriors find her. They are not to hurt her, only bring her back to me – with the sword. I want to know what she knows of it. What she can do with it – if anything. She will not have left the city. Not if she felt that strongly about Panthera. She will stay, for she remembers him here, and those memories will tie her as strongly and as fully as any rope or chain.

All I must do is wait. She will come to me, eventually.

Blood Memories [Last of Elves book 1] (NaNoWriMo 2014)Where stories live. Discover now