Twelve: Naameh

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I think he is a fool. How can anyone do that? Surely there is no reason to slaughter an entire race. There can be no way that anything like that happened.

Still happens.

The stories are that the elves merely vanished into the Dark Forest. According to the legends, they are there still. There cannot have been the slaughter he speaks of, the limitless cruelty that was done to them as a race, as a whole. I don’t understand why it would have happened. Yes, the Famine was thought to have been caused by them, but only by a select few. A few dark elves who had cursed the human race, sending us to our doom because of pure hate.

But … if what he says is true … it means that there are none left. Not because they refuse to be found, but because there are truly none left. They are all dead. And it means that he is the last. And if he is the last, then that is why the goddess brought him here, perhaps. I cannot hope to know what the goddess’ plan is. All I can do is obey what she shows me, do what I think is right.

If he is the last true blood, then he must be protected. Nothing can happen to him. The goddess wants him alive, so there must be a reason that he didn’t kill the captain. A reason the captain didn’t kill him.

I just need to find out why.

The captain told me how quick the duel was. The strange move that had disarmed him. It’s clear from that that the elf isn’t a stranger to duelling, to swords. He was hiding his skills.

I don’t blame him.

I need to see him in action. What he did when I challenged him showed me nothing. Even then, he wasn’t fighting for his life. He was only fighting to get me away from him. I need to find a way to watch them duel. To see a challenge again. But from his reaction, the elf won’t be happy. And I’m not going to be able to order him to do it. He is vital to the survival of the land, but the goddess hasn’t told me how, or why.

I want to know the extent of his skills. Where he learned them, who he learned them off, how long it took to master them. I must know what he can do – for the safety of us all. The lives of everyone in the land are resting on the next few months. It is all the goddess will show me, and it scares me.

I don’t know what the problem with the land is – the goddess refuses to tell me. It is part of the reason why I feel enclosed, why I’m hidden away.

I am known as an Oracle. The link to the goddess. I must be kept safe, kept hidden so that I cannot be hurt.

I hate it.

I want to be out. I think that it’s why I don’t understand him. Why I didn’t know what he was talking about.

I think he’s right.

I do need to get out of here. I need to see my city, see the world outside the city. I think we’re all safe here, protected by the walls.

But apparently we’re not.

Yet I don’t know what to do.

Blood Memories [Last of Elves book 1] (NaNoWriMo 2014)Where stories live. Discover now