02 - Beautiful stalker

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As she walked back into La Maison, Laura couldn't stop shaking. Her pulse was accelerated and her skin continued to tingle with the remembrance of his touch.

Every time she closed her eyes she felt his intense stare, stripping her down to her soul. His big, warm hands all over her skin, the taste of his tongue, his perfume.

She needed a distraction or she'd run back to him.

The front door flung open behind her and Star rushed inside, crying her eyes out. Her clothes were ripped and her hair was a mess.

"Hey, hey, Star. Star, look at me" she grabbed her shoulders as the young girl continued to weep. She seemed to be in shock, so Laura pulled her into her chest and gave her a heartwarming hug. "Shhh, calm down girl. Calm down." She stroked her curly hair and did her best to try and calm her down.

"Let's get you some water...." Star sobbed as she walked with her, but it was a little calmer.

"What happened?" Laura carefully asked, helping Star to a chair in the kitchen.

"I-It was supposed t-to be an usual job. I-I knew the client already. But h-he... T-they..."

Laura sighed and closed her eyes. She forced herself to brush off memories of the incident and got herself together in order to contain her fellow co-worker.

"Did he... Or did they... Force you?"

"He said he wanted to watch. H-he told them to..." She started crying hysterically and Laura clenched her fists. "I'm telling Juliette. That client has to be banned, better yet, reported to the police. Do you need a doctor, Star?"

She shook her head "I'm sore, but okay. The feeling of helplessness... The violence... That's what I can't get over. They laughed and said I'm a whore so I was surely used to it."

Laura placed a hand over Star's and shook her head. "No one should ever force you to do anything. Never. No matter your line of work." she slowly got up and grabbed her purse, taking out a pocket knife.

"Here. Always keep something to defend yourself with. Hide it in your clothes, keep it close at all times, you never know."

Star slowly grabbed the knife and looked up at Laura's somber gaze. "Did it happen to you? What they did to me?"

She licked her lips and nodded. "But I'm not letting it happen again. Neither should you."

"Thanks, Laura." She wiped her tears and stood up to hug her. They embraced for a minute and smiled at each other when they pulled away.

"You're not as cold as you seem to be." The younger girl shyly stated. Laura shrugged "Not all the time, no."

"So, you know my night was horrible. How was yours?" Star asked plopping into the chair again.
Laura tensed up and struggled to put on a poker face. "Just a very wealthy, lonely guy who wanted company."

"Was he nice?"

"Are you gonna tell Juliette or do you want me to?" She interrupted. Star caught the hint and dropped the subject.

"No, don't worry. I'll tell her... Have a good night."

"You too. Call me if you need to talk or anything." Laura waved after grabbing a glass of water and headed upstairs to her room.

Michael continued to look out the window, fiddling with the silver card. He couldn't stop thinking about that beautiful woman. He wanted... No, he needed to get close to her. Should he hire her again?

No, he wanted to really get to know her. The person, not the escort.

"Alex..." He sighed, tracing the name with his finger, before turning around. He walked to his desk and picked up the phone to dial his right-hand man's number.

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