22 - Holy Shit

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Michael's fist continued to shake with rage. He stared down at his unconscious former friend with disdain and tried to contain himself from kicking the shit out of him.
He spat on the floor next to his motionless body and stormed into the kitchen, to splash some water on his face.

"Y-you had sex with my fiancee?" Diana asked Laura in a very threatening tone. The girl rolled her eyes. "If it had been up to me, I wouldn't have let him even look my way, trust me."

The older woman's blazing brown eyes gleamed with both stupor and anger. Who was this bitch and why had she slept with both her men? She harshly pushed her and Laura decided not to retaliate, she knew she could easily bust Diana up if she wanted.

"Hey, hey! Don't touch her!" Michael hurried to step between them.
"Diana, keep ur shit together, a'ight? There's an explanation to this, I swear."

"How is there an explanation? Did you send her to fuck my man to get back at me? Are you that sick Michael!? And you, what kind of a slut are you?"

"DIANA." Michael raised his voice almost making the walls tremble and she hushed instantaneously, staring at him with wide, glassy eyes.

Laura looked down with shame and fought back the overwhelming urge to cry. Even though it wasn't her fault, she felt she owed an apology to both Diana and Michael. He quickly wrapped his long arms around her and cradled her, making his ex-wife huff annoyedly.

"Oh great, just great. Comfort her, of course! She's just the little poor victim here! The pretty girl that can't hold her legs together!" She clapped sarcastically and Michael rolled his eyes. "Don't project yourself on her, would ya?" He mumbled and Diana glared at him, incensed.

"Uuggghh wha... Where am I..." Brad slowly started to come back to his senses and his fiancee hurried to kick him in the stomach. "You pig!! You unfaithful pig!" She kicked him once again making him wince.
Michael couldn't fight his grin at the sight of such an amusing spectacle... Karma at it's best.

"Michael?" Laura softly called and he turned to look down at her. "I don't think she'll be doing you any favors after this..."

"Oh, nonsense. She'll be even more eager to help me now that her man showed his true colors. They so deserve each other."

"It's just for a couple of weeks. A month, tops." Michael's big brown eyes searched Diana's for assurance that she/was gonna be up for it. "And you say you won't be doing no crazy stuff like you said back when you were in college?"

Michael held up three fingers. "Scout's honor. I swear."

"And you'll go out to dinner with me?" Diana sultry asked, sensually crossing her legs, trying to get him to look at them but failing.

"Don't push it. You know we ain't friends nor will ever be." MJ scoffed leaning back on the couch, his hand securely placed on Laura's thigh. His ex-wife rolled her eyes with a disgusted look, mocking him.

"Okay then. I owe you, big time." Jackson smiled widely as he got up and gestured towards the door, inviting his unwelcome guests out of his house. "I'll be in touch. If you need anything, you know Sally's the best."

"I doubt I'll be asking for any blow jobs, but thank you." Diana mumbled and Michael frowned. Bitch.

Once they were out, he locked the door securely behind him and let out a long, deep, tired sigh. "Damn that was intense..." Then he turned to his beautiful companion and smiled widely. "We're one step closer to putting this whole ordeal behind us, beautiful. It won't be easy, but we'll get it done."

Laura smiled, her expression wasn't a confident one, she had her reservations on the matter. Maybe all those years of suffering had scarred her in an irreversible way. It scared her, what if she wasn't able to move on, even if they reached their goal? What if she made Michael's life a living hell with all her trauma and pain? He deserved to be happy, not dragged into her darkness.

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