11 - Bellboy

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She slowly approached the Madama and received her silver tag. "Yelena". She looked up from the card to Juliette's face with defying eyes before turning around to head into the grooming room.
Hannah brushed her long, wavy chestnut hair and placed her hands on her shoulders as they both looked at the mirror. "How would you feel about bleaching your hair for tonight? It'd look great with your eyes."

Laura frowned and looked up at her coworker "No wig?"

"No wig."

She turned back to the mirror and studied her reflection. She hadn't been herself for years, and she had grown so used to changing night after night, that her appearance had no importance to her. She had no power over her own life, let alone over her looks.

"Sure, bleach it."

Michael parked outside the house, his phone blowing up with Bill's calls. He turned it off and stepped out of his car, walked around it and rested his elbows on the roof as he stared at the Maison's facade, thinking.
Before he could decide whether to drive away or ring the doorbell, a small pat on his shoulder made him look down to find Star's cheeky smile. "Hey, Michael!"

He tried to soften the frown that had taken over his features but couldn't. "Hey." He greeted before turning back to continue to look at the house.

"Um... Are you waiting for someone?" Star nervously licked her lips and folded her arms under her breasts to push them up.

"Yeah, matter of fact, I could use ur help." He walked around her, looking her up and down, brushing his fingers across his lips. She smiled and batted her eyelashes, he was so hot.

His big brown eyes traveled from her feet to her breasts and up to her face. "Could u do me a favor, girl?" He sensually approached her, biting his lip with a smirk. He reached out to her face and ran the back of his index finger down her cheek.
She almost turned to mush under his touch, shaking and pressing her legs together. Her voice came out as a faint whisper. "Y-yes?"

"I needa get a hold of someone, she owes me something and unfortunately she blocked my number, so I haven't been able to reach her." Michael lied, he knew that this girl had the hots for him and would never assist him if she knew the truth.

"Who? Alex?"

"Actually, I know her name's Laura. I tried to track her down to get what's mine."

Star nodded slowly, then a soft frown spawned across her factions "What does she owe you?"

Michael licked his lips and cupped her face with one hand, brushing her curls away with the other. "Baby, I can't say. Would you please gimme a hand? She can't know it's me tho, or she won't come."

The young girl slowly removed her face from his soft, big hand. "Is she in trouble?" She squinted her eyes sideways. Michael smiled his killer smile, making her smile too. "Nah, it's easily fixable. I just needa talk to her."

Star looked at the house, then down at her watch "Oh shit!! I'm late!!"
Michael got nervous, thinking that the girl would tell on him, making Laura go away, but as she jogged towards the mansion, she turned around and hollered. "She's probably about to leave for a job! I'll try to catch her and tell her there's someone asking to see her, but no promises!"

Michael waved "Okay! Thanks!" He tucked his hands in his pants pockets and paced back and forth on the sidewalk, really hoping to see Laura.

"You look stunning" Hannah finished straightening Laura's now light blond hair. Her rosy cheeks and bright green eyes matched her new color perfectly.
She glossed her plump lips and slipped into the tight silver cocktail dress that was laid out for her.

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