32 - Questions

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Michael honked insistently at the car in front of his before the light even turned green.

He sniffled and cussed out the driver as he made a dangerous maneuver to surpass him and sped off. The streets were busy and it made him anxious, it was a miracle he didn't crash his car that day.

He pulled over in front of his building and rushed inside. Sally was surprised and glad to see him, but she could tell something was wrong.

"Mr. Jackson! So good to see you, sir. Can I offer you a..."

"Sally I'm sorry, I needa talk to Miss Ross real quick." He cut her off and stormed into his office. Diana looked up from the computer screen and smiled at the sight of Michael. "Baby! I wasn't expecting you."

He sat down in front of her, his leg shaking vigorously as he rubbed his hands. "Diana, I need another favor. An urgent one."

Her smile dropped slightly and she looked at him attentively. She leaned onto the desk and tried to stare into his eyes but he avoided her.

"Michael... Look at me." She softly asked, growing concerned.

He chewed on his lip and his big eyes met hers. His pupils were dilated almost three times their size, he was fidgety and wiped his nose repeatedly.

Tears dwelled in her eyes as she sat back in her chair. "Michael, baby... Are u using again?"

He ignored her. "I need you to contact Freddie."

Her eyes widened and she took a quick look at the door, making sure it was closed before answering. "Baby, are you in trouble? Let me help you."

"Help me by having Freddie go meet me at the hideout, tonight." He bluntly asked, standing up.

Diana hurried to walk around the desk and stand in front of him. She brushed the strands of hair that hung in front of his face, moving his fedora a little. He watched her, nervously rubbing his lips together.

"Baby how much did u take? You're a mess" she cupped his face in her hands but he immediately pushed them away, jerking his head backward. "Just call him, Diana. Don't try to act like u give a fuck bout me."

"Michael, I'm running your business here, for free, and I haven't once questioned you or asked where the hell you were hiding or what you were running away from. So please, show some appreciation and at least have the kindness of answering my question! Have you forgotten what we've been through because of this? Why are you even doing coke again? Is it because of Jermaine?"

His eyes ignited and he leaned down to be at face level as he hissed. "Don't try to fuckin' analyze me. U lost ur right to ask me shit the second u had another man fuckin' u in my bed. I gave u everything u wanted and didn't even fight for my shit, MY shit that u got from the divorce. I shut my mouth and signed the damn papers. So if u doin' this for me, it's cuz u damn well know u fuckin' owe me."

He pushed past her and when he was at the exit he menacingly pointed a finger to her. "Fuckin' call Freddie." And he slammed the door behind him.

Bill sipped on his coffee, quietly standing behind the one way glass of the interrogation room, watching his old friend Mesereau question Lieutenant Moore.

"We have the testimony of Juliette Le Bon, where she talks about you being in her payroll. How long have you been working for her?" Tom asked as he studied the cop's reaction.

"Sir, she's lying. She's probably only trying to lessen her charges by implicating me." Moore spoke, looking in absolute control.

The Captain nodded and went through the pages of the file he was holding.

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