47 - Closure

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Judge Hudson's political trial was stalled for as long as possible, but with the extensive and undeniable evidence Captain Mesereau had reunited throughout his thorough investigation, his allies had no choice but to let go of his hand and make him face it.

He was finally removed from the Supreme Court to face trial as an ordinary citizen.

The depositions were excruciatingly painful and anguishing for Laura. Nonetheless, she forced herself to be strong and go through with them. She had to endure the process, or everything that had happened would've been for nothing.

Having Jensen, Joshua, Bill, Saul, Janet, and Katherine sitting in that courthouse every single time, giving her their full support, encouraged her greatly.

The governor took the easy way out and negotiated with the president, another good friend of Hudson's.

He simply handed his resignation before everything could be factically traced up to him, vowing not to run for office ever again.

Once he could no longer deny the numerous charges, Anthony made the sacrifice and took the fall. He pleaded guilty and was sent to prison without bail, in exchange for protection for his estranged, soon to be ex-wife.

Joseph and Diana pushed the lawsuit forward to try and take over Michael's empire but were shocked to learn that he had outsmarted everybody with Bray and Branca's help.

Days after Diana showed up at his place and was unmasked by Bill, Michael signed a power of attorney and instructed John to empty all of his accounts, transferring the money to Janet's company as an anonymous benefactor. He had settled with the insurance company to take charge of his employees' workers' compensation benefits and they were promptly hired by Branca's brother's new real estate business.

The deadline to execute that maneuver was the last day of that month, so by the time the lawsuit reached the judge's chambers, the money was gone, along with the company.

Katherine and her children tried to hang around longer but the pain was unbearable, so the only sibling that stayed, crying quietly by his picture, was his baby sister Janet.

Jensen's eyes filled with tears as he held Laura's trembling, cold hands. "Kitten, why don't you sit down... You're looking pale and the doctor said you had to prevent dehydration and manage your anxiousness. I'll go get you something sweet to drink."

Carangi nodded, sitting down next to Janet. The beautiful woman turned her big brown eyes to her and immediately reached out to hold her hands.

"How are you feeling?" She asked in a whisper and Laura started sobbing uncontrollably, as Jackson moved to hug her and stroke her back. "He loved you, and he would've wanted you to move on with your life. I'm certain he would've been exhilarated by the news, so please, please take care of yourself."

Her words were soothing and loving, Laura nodded against her shoulder as she tightened her grasp, tacitly asking Jan not to let go of their embrace.

They remained between each other's arms, as the service came to an end.

Living with Bill for the next year was a rather strange experience, but it helped them both, since it gave him a purpose to go on after having to endure the severe blow of losing his beloved Michael.

He was now responsible for her wellbeing, he knew that's what his 'son' would've wanted.

Some days were easier, some days were absolutely dark and depressing, but they gave each other the necessary strength to go on, honoring MJ's 'never give up' policy.

Life had turned upside down for her in the blink of an eye.

As she sat in the rocking chair by the balcony, she smiled wholeheartedly, remembering their first encounter.

She recalled feeling that she was being touched by someone so powerful... Something that burned inside her told her that this man was unlike any other. That he was her godsent, guardian angel.

And she was right... His ultimate goal was to make justice and set her free, even at the expense of sacrificing himself to achieve it.

Guilt was a feeling she experienced almost daily. No matter how much family and friends tried to remind her that Michael's own decisions were what eventually unleashed his finale, she suffered excruciatingly.

How she missed him... His warmth, his laughter, his voice and wise words. His love. He didn't deserve to leave this world so violently, so soon...

But a part of him was still there, with her, forever.

His quiet cries brought her out of her thoughts and she quickly made her way inside. The chirping of the birds and the lovely sunlight that showered the room built the perfect atmosphere and she couldn't help but let out a single, warm tear roll down her rosy cheek, as she picked up her little miracle.

His chubby cheeks and soft baby skin were so absolutely adorable and her heart fluttered every single time he attempted to smile, flashing his pinkish gums so delightfully. It made her smile too.

She cradled her baby slowly, humming a tune she had heard Michael sing from time to time, trying to instill something from him into their little son's subconscious mind.

She stroked his cheeks softly as the baby's sweet, big brown eyes found hers, and his wide smile showered her with immense love and joy.

She had finally been capable of giving Michael the family he wanted, even after the physical pain she had suffered at the hands of that doctor and his utterly somber prognosis.

She was indeed able to bring life into the world, and she would've never imagined how tremendously important something so seemingly natural was gonna be for her.

Even though she missed him so much, she knew that he was present in each one of their son's smiles.

And every night she went to sleep with a smile, knowing that he would visit her in her dreams, to make sure that she was safe.

That she was free.

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