18 - Incredible

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Michael sped down the highway, driving his silver Mercedes swiftly past thick traffic. His mind set in accomplishing his objective. Determination overriding his thoughts. There was no room for hesitation, no way he could be deflected from it. He had to succeed.

Set Laura free.

His car phone rang and he picked up through the speakers. "Yeah?"

Janet's voice came out of the luxurious sound system. "Mike, she's in makeup. The shoot starts in ten minutes, tops. How far away are you?" She hushedly spoke over a tremendous racket, the photoshoot was in full motion.

"I'm fifteen minutes away. Stall if you have to."

"Oh, no need. You'll be right on time. See ya in fifteen."

"Okay, Dunk."

His blazing eyes were focused on the road as he made the right turn to get off the highway and into the suburban district of the city where the Studio was located.

After parking his ride, Michael walked hurriedly into the building, announcing his presence to the young receptionist that didn't waste the opportunity to drool over her boss's brother before showing him to the set.

Loud hip music was blasting through the room and Jackson looked around, trying to spot Janet. "Mike, there you are!" Her small hands tugged on his black shirt's sleeve, she was a nervous wreck. He leaned down to quietly ask. "Is that her?" pointing his finger at the model.

A breathtakingly beautiful young girl was posing provocatively but tastefully in a tight one shoulder, heel long, high couture white dress.
Her chestnut brown hair was pulled into a sleek high ponytail that brought out her big ice-blue eyes. She was gorgeous.

Michael stared at her, mouth agape. "My God, these girls' mother must've been one hell of a beautiful woman." He absentmindedly said, his sister elbowed his ribs harshly. "Ouch! What?"

"Don't drool over your girl's sister! That's disgusting!"

"I'm not!"

He was.

"I just didn't expect them to look so similar that's all. So, what's she like? Approachable?"

Janet shrugged and looked at the photographer as he did his job. "I didn't really talk to her, only to her agent, he's cool. She changed her name to Gina Cavani, bear that in mind."

The girl's eyes briefly met Michael's and she gave him a small smile that he happily returned.

After a couple more photos, she walked down the set to change outfit and sensually glanced at Michael once again. He followed her stare with his hands tucked in his pockets and his bottom lip trapped between his teeth.

Janet rolled her eyes. "Having second thoughts? Gonna leave your girl to rot so you can upgrade to the newer model?"

"No way, Jan. I'm just scouting the ground, you know... Smoothing down the terrain. I need her with her defenses low before I approach her. Lemme work my magic so I... U know what? Mind ya business!"
He finally scowled at her when he realized he was explaining himself too much. He knew what he was doing, he was good at handling beautiful women.

She laughed and patted his back. "You made this crazy shit my business, bro. So suck it up. C'mon, let's meet her." She pulled his arm and dragged him to the wardrobe section, making him suddenly realize how nervous he really was.

Janet greeted the wardrobe assistant. "Hey, Kendrick, how's it going? What's the next outfit?"

"Hey JJ! All good, doll. The next outfit's a two-piece dark grey suit, she'll be bare-chested underneath the jacket, very sexy yet classy."

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