13 - Lord have mercy

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"Let go of me! Don't u fuckin' touch me!" Laura slapped Michael's hand away from her arm and he desperately rushed behind her.

"Baby, please, you gotta understand! Honey, don't leave!" He ran past her to place himself with his back against the door and both hands on the knob.

"Get the hell away from that door." She hissed through gritted teeth, pulling up the strap of her dress as she grabbed her purse from the armchair.


"Michael... I don't wanna hurt you. Or worse, call the police."

"Call'em, so I can tell'em all about Juliette." He frowned defiantly and Laura's face turned red before she yelled. "Oh my fucking God you're impossible! I can't believe you! How could you!?" She stormed into the bedroom to sit at the edge of the bed and sob. Michael quickly followed her.

He quietly sat beside her to study her body language, waiting for the right moment to wrap an arm around her shoulders.

"I know it might not have been the right way, but it was the only way I could think of... I needed to understand. I could feel ur pain and I knew you'd never tell... Especially now that I know the story." His soft voice caressed her ears but she refused to cool down.

"You intruded! Michael, you violated my privacy! You, of all people... I thought I could trust you." She wiped a tear and forced herself to look away from his worried big eyes.

"I wanna help you. You and your sister. We can find her..."

"Don't talk about her!" She finally turned to look at him with bloodshot eyes, tears streaming down her blushed cheeks. Michael felt the need to hold her and kiss her tears away, but he knew that if he tried, he'd get burned.

"Okay, okay..." He tapped his fingers on his thighs, looking down at them as he listened to Laura's sniffles. Seeing her cry was breaking his heart, and keeping himself from pulling her frail, shaky body into his chest was taking every single ounce of his will, but he was strong...

"I don't even know where she is..." Laura softly said, her breathing growing calmer. Michael turned his head to shyly look at her and saw how she ran her extended fingers under her eyes, looking up, in an attempt to wipe the tears without smudging her makeup any further.

"Is there any way I could try and reach her on your behalf?" He shakily raised a hand and dared to brush a strand of hair behind her ear. She allowed it.

"I don't know... I don't even know where Juliette's living right now. She stays at the Maison during the week, but leaves Friday night and doesn't return till Monday. I guess she's living with her?"

Michael scratched his chin with a thoughtful frown. "Mmm... I could try and search for Juliette's social security information. Being her guardian, she might have Adriana registered."

Laura shrugged. "Either way, what difference would it make?" She looked into his eyes and he could see nothing but resignation and sadness.

"Whatchu mean? If we get to her, Juliette won't have any more leverage! You'll be free!" He placed his big palm on her back and played with her hair. "You'll be free to live your life... We could have a life together." His voice trailed off and she chose to ignore the last part of what he said. She wasn't ready.

Laura licked her lips, staring into Michael's big loving smile, his eyes were gleaming and he seemed genuinely interested in helping her regain control of her destiny. Maybe meeting him was her destiny...

"Okay, but I must warn you... I had a brother... And she..."

"I know." Michael stopped her, placing his free hand over hers and looking deeply into her eyes. "It won't happen to Adriana. I promise you that."

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