31 - Break her

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The rhythmic sound of a leakin' tap was all Juliette was able to hear. The blindfold prevented her from seeing her surroundings, but by how the place smelled of rust and mold, she figured it was probably a basement or something of the sort.

Her heart was hammering against her chest and her angsty sobs echoed trough the room. She could feel the rope cutting deep into the skin of her wrists, hurting her more each time she tried to break free. She almost couldn't breathe. Her mouth was taped shut and her nose was dripping because of her incessant crying.

She felt intense pain in her knee, that took over her body in waves. Fortunately, after that man bandaged it tightly, the blood loss had stopped. She begged for painkillers but her request had fallen on deaf ears.


Her breath hitched and she instinctively stood still, trying to listen. Someone was coming.

The squeak of a door opening and slow, heavy footsteps alerted her. She tried to speak but it was impossible. All she could manage to do was hum and shake. She was sweating and shivering, uncertain of what they had in store for her.

She smelled perfume. A manly scent she somewhat recognized, and she stood still.

It was him.

Soft fingers pulled up her blindfold and she blinked quickly, momentarily blinded by the single lightbulb that hung over her head, and the first shape she could recognize was that of a slender man, with long curly hair.

She was terrified.

"If you scream, ya dead." His voice was low and husky. Repulsion and hatred was all she could see in his eyes. She nodded.

He reached for the side of her jaw and harshly peeled off the tape, making her gasp and hurt, but she tried to be strong and remain quiet.
He pulled a chair and sat in front of her, with his elbows on his thighs, and stared at her.

"P-please... L-let me go... I promise I won't tell anyone about Günther, I promise..."

"Bitch, shut up." He shook his head and rubbed his hands together. She watched him lick his lips and lower his eyes to her legs. "On a scale of one to ten, how much is that hurtin'?" He asked looking back up into her eyes.

"Ten." She answered almost eagerly. "I begged that man for painkillers but he wouldn't..."

Michael chuckled. "Painkillers? Shit, u really think we gon take care of u or something? Fuck u and ur pain." He growled standing up, his eyes growing darker by the second.

Juliette's eyes were slowly adjusting to the light, and she could distinguish someone standing in the shadows, leaning against a wall near the door.
She shifted in her chair, almost leaning forward "Please, please help me! Please! He's going to hurt me"

Michael stepped closer and slapped her hard across her face. She cried out and shivered as he bent down and whispered in her ear. "I ain't just gon hurt u. Imma fuckin kill u, unless u cooperate."

She slowly turned her gaze to his face, cooperate? She was too scared to even ask, so she figured she might as well wait for him to lay out his game and see how she could use it to her favor. She sat up straight and looked at him, quietly.

Michael looked down at her, he felt the urge to choke her but tried his best to contain himself. This woman was the cause of everything and now she was helpless, completely at his mercy.
But he still dreaded this situation, he was trying to hold back as much as he could. He reached back to the base of his spine and brushed his fingers against the grip of his gun.

Should he just put a bullet between her eyes?

He wanted to. He really did. He'd be doing the world a favor, but first he had to find out what really happened to his brother, and track down the last recipient of his hatred.

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