25 - Sisters

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Laura's lips continued to quiver as she licked them and finally greeted her sister. "Adri... h-hi... it's me..." her voice came out as a shaky whisper and Michael's heart ached at the sight of her emotion.

"Laura, hi! It's so... Nice, to hear from you." Her little sister uncomfortably answered before she continued. "I really need to see you. I met your friend Michael and he said you were going through some serious stuff and I wanna help you out."

Laura quickly wiped her eyes and cleared her throat, looking up at Michael's stoic expression. "Sure! W-where can we... Where do you want to meet?"

MJ hurried to signal for her to hold on a minute. "Hold on, Adri. Please, don't hang up." Laura said before placing her hand over the receiver to mute whatever he had to say.

"U sure 'bout meetin' her, baby? Dontchu find this the slightest bit sketchy?" He hushedly asked and she held his stare for a little while. "Why?"

"She knew you were in trouble the whole time and now that u finally free, she wanna get together?"
Laura thought about it for a second and shrugged. "Maybe now that I'm finally away, we can rekindle with each other. I miss her so much, Mike..." Her big green eyes teared up and Michael hurried to kiss her cheek, and as he rested his forehead on hers, he softly said. "Okay, I'll make sure nothing bad happens."

His girl's smile was wide as she brought the phone back to her ear and arranged to get together with her baby sister.

"Sally, this coffee tastes like dirty water, where the hell did you learn to make this crap?!" Diana spat as she tossed the cup across the desk and towards the secretary, that was standing before her.

Sally clenched her jaw and glared at the disgustingly smug woman. "I don't usually make coffee, Mr. Jackson doesn't like it." She slowly answered and Diana's big eyes darted up to meet hers. "I know my husband, dear. I don't think I asked you about his likes and dislikes, I was simply telling you that this crap is dreadful!" She yelled and Sally fought the urge to roll her eyes.

"I'm aware that he divorced you, ma'am. And I couldn't be happier for him."

Miss Ross brushed her hair away from her face and averted her eyes to the papers she was reviewing as she asked, changing the subject. "What the hell did you come in here for?"

"Mr. Jermaine Jackson is here. He wanted to see Mr. Jackson, but he agrees to see you instead since you're here and he's not."

"Send him in and get lost." Diana waved her hand dismissively and Sally smiled, leaving the office.

Soon enough, the door opened and Jermaine entered with his big, handsome grin. "Diana, baby, how you been? Looking fine as usual."
She didn't stand up and simply stared at him. "I told you to beat it, Jermaine. What do you want? I have no idea where Michael and his little tramp are."

Jermaine walked over to one of the chairs in front of her desk and placed his hand on the backrest, but the woman quickly stopped him. "At at, I haven't told you to sit cho ass down. I don't have time for whatever the hell u're trying to pull."

"Diana, please, I really need to get a hold of Mikey again... I needa talk to him, apologize u know? Last time, my mind wasn't in the right place."

The beautiful woman squinted her eyes and studied her former brother in law's face. "Apologize for what? What were u trying to pull?"
Jackson finally sat down and folded his hands, avoiding her intense glare. "Joseph's business is one step away from bankruptcy, and adding all of his foreclosures and mortgages, he gonna be broke, so he wanted Mike to buy his stocks and merge. That way, investors will be willing to put the money back in the company and maybe rebuild it. But Mike said he ain't gonna do it, 'cause he thinks the risk's too high."

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