36 - Prey

352 31 14

The music was loud, sensual bodies flocked the place, sweating, dancing and teasingly rubbing against each other.
Premium quality alcohol and various substances were being passed from one hand to the other as laughter merged with the beat, clearly indicating that the party was a success.

Michael was sitting at the VIP corner with Saul and some of his friends, politely declining the numerous beautiful women that kept on trying to lure him into the dancefloor.

He licked his numb gums and kissed his teeth, his beaming eyes scanning the venue, searching for his prey.
Each time her glittery dress shone under the colored lights, he found her.

And he watched her.

She was so carefree, so privileged, just living her life to its fullest. Her entire future ahead of her; success starting to become her reality.

But Michael decided that she didn't deserve it, not after what she had done, not after what Laura had been put through on her behalf.

He took another bump and gulped down his whiskey as he stood up, taking off his jacket and tossing it over the couch. He felt hot, so he undid his red shirt buttons and approached her from behind.

Her sensual body swayed to the rhythm and it would've been a beautiful sight if it wasn't because he despised her to the core, but he needed to play her, so he swallowed his utter disgust and slowly placed his large hands on her hips and his mouth against her ear. "Hello, beautiful..."

She turned around with a smile and her big eyes met Jackson's. He did his best to resist the prickling sensation in his hands, the urge to wrap them around her neck and choke her to death, and forced himself to smile. She looked scared for a little bit, but soon enough her fake ass self had to make an appearance and she sultry smiled back, leaning into his ear to make sure he heard her over the music. "Hi, what are you doing here? You look super hot"

"My sister Janet invited me, and I just couldn't take my eyes off you..."

She moved back a little and stared into MJ's bewildering eyes, studying him. They were both off their fuckin' heads with drugs and alcohol, and judging by the way she licked her lips as she lowered her eyes to his mouth, she was into him.

He smiled his killer smile that made girls' legs go weak and softly brushed her hair to her back. "Come with me, girl." He invited, pointing his head to the VIP cubicle, and she carefully followed.

She was still untrusting but so strongly drawn to him...

Laura's heels clicked fast across the almost empty auditorium. Getting into the event hadn't been as easy as they thought, and they eventually had to resort to calling Janet to meet them at the entrance and vouch for them in order to be allowed inside.

Carangi was surprised by her boyfriend's sister attitude towards her. She expected resentment, maybe even discomfort, but as soon as they met, Janet hugged her tightly with a wide smile that looked so much like Michael's, and with glimmery eyes, she wholeheartedly said "I gotchu, girl."

This woman was like MJ's twin, strikingly beautiful inside and out.

After giving them a brief summary of how she had observed her brother was behaving, and sharing the little bit that he had told her about getting Laura's sister, Janet left the venue to get to the airport, since she had other commitments to attend to besides Jermaine's burial.

Bill talked to a couple of people and found out about an after-party being held at the back hall, near the Palazzo's terrace, where everybody was having quite a wild time. He figured that would probably be where Michael would try to make his move on Adriana.

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