16 - Mesereau

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The night was quiet and chilly. Even the slightest flick of a branch in the wind could be heard, resounding as thunder due to the still calmness of the environment.

He shakily breathed in, the aftermath of his angsty cries making him shiver as he let the air out. The throbbing pain in his chest and the thumping of his heart against it made him wince... It hurt so bad that it seemed as if daggers had been sunken deep within him.

What had he done to deserve such punishment? He prayed for some mercy on him, he wasn't a bad person... why had his closest ones turn on him the way they did? Diana, Jermaine, even his father...

Michael's bloodshot eyes darted to the door the second the doorbell rang. He ran to check the surveillance camera's monitor and hurried to buzz his good friend in, before going to the kitchen to quickly wash his face.

"Mike? I'm here, kid."

Michael entered the living room, wiping his face with a kitchen towel. "Hey, Bill... Thanks for coming so fast."

Bray studied his beloved friend's aspect and took notice of his deplorable state. He looked scruffy and tremendously bothered, a little over the edge. "Are you sober, son?" He carefully asked and Michael frowned. "Of course I am, why?"

"You look like you were run over by a train, twice."

The young man walked past him and plopped down on the couch. "Sure feel like it... Here." He extended his hand, holding out a letter. Bill grabbed it and sat in front of Jackson to carefully read it.

"For too long you've been spittin' on ya family's face. For too long you've been acting as if u're too darn good for us. It's time for a little humility lesson.

That little slut is gonna be on a very, very tight leash, and I mean tighter than Dick's hatband. You needa rethink our little conversation if you wanna keep her safe, 'cause you know I'd sure love to fuck'er up. I've done it in the past, brother. It'll only take one quick snap of ma fingers.

Everything's already in motion, so if you as much as breathe too close to ma face, she fucked. If you try to screw me, she fucked. She got too much to lose, but I bet yo snoopy ass already know that.

Pops gonna be proud if ya come around and do what's right for ur blood.

We're willing to help ur girl big time if u sign on the dotted line, Mikey. Think about it, ur 'happily ever after'.

See ya on Monday."

The old man's eyes shifted from the paper to Michael. He was biting his nails, looking out the glass wall with a defeated expression. "This motherfucker needs to back off." He said, making MJ turn his eyes to him.

"What can I do? I can't let anything happen to Laura or her sister... I'd never forgive myself. But if I go through with the merger, I'm ruined."

Bill stood up and leaned against the window, glancing out to the city... He had to find Adriana Carangi asap. He quickly walked to the phone under Michael's attentive gaze, and he dialed a number.

"NYPD, how may I help you?"

"Evening ma'am, my name's Bill Bray, I'm calling for Captain Mesereau, please. He's a good friend of mine."

"Hold on a moment, sir."

Michael got up frantically and rushed over to Bill "The hell u doing!!! U can't call the police, man!"

Bray raised a hand, asking him to chill as he heard the tone that indicated the call was being transferred.

"Captain Mesereau speaking."

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