14 - Roma

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Jermaine's smile was as phony as they come, and his brother could read him like an open book, so he didn't even bother to ask him what he wanted to talk about, 'cause it was pretty damn obvious.

"How's Joseph?" Michael's sarcastic tone made Jermaine roll his eyes before replying.

"He wants to see you, and you know the old man doesn't take no for an answer."

"And what made him think I would've changed my mind since the last time you asked me? I said no, and that's final."

"But mom said tha-"

"Fuckin' final, Jermaine. I won't bail him out no more. Why dontchu rescue him instead, since you were so eager to take over the business when the ship was sailing smoothly? Y'all only turn to me when things get nasty and I've always been there, but my patience ran out, I'm done."

"I promised Joseph you'd at least hear him out. Don't make me look bad, Mike, c'mon. Be a brother."

"It's not my fault if you ain't keep your mouth shut. I'm tired of you hovering around my shit like some desperate beggar."

Jermaine's eyes ignited with fury and he raised an accusatory finger in front of his brother's nose. "Now listen to me u little shithead, if you want that little bitch of yours to keep breathing, better do what I'm sayin', u cocky son of a bitch."

Michael blinked, startled.
Suddenly, he jumped over the table and wrestled his older brother to the ground, firmly wrapping his hands around his throat, the veins on his neck about to burst, his teeth tightly gritted "Nigga u stay the fuck away from her or I'll fuckin' kill u, Jermaine, I swear to God I'll fuckin' kill you, you motherfucker!!"

Other customers rushed to break the fight and Michael jerked his arms off their grasp, straightening his shirt and glaring at the now scared Jermaine.

"Stay the fuck away, I'm dead serious. Don't try me, brother." He hissed, pointing at him before turning away to leave the coffee shop.

"Fuck you, Michael! You ungrateful little brat! Fuck you and your little cunt!"

*** A couple of days later ***

"I don't know what to do... I swear I don't know..." Laura rubbed her eyes before taking another drag of her cigarette.

Helena shook her head, she knew her story and was the only one Laura confided in. "Maybe he's the one that will finally put an end to your suffering. I was never okay with the way Juliette recruited you. What she put you through... How she uses your sister as leverage. It's disgusting."

"I'm scared, Lena... What if she finds out? If something happens to Adri I'm gonna kill myself. I won't have any reason left to live..."

"If he's cautious enough, he'll get to her before Juliette even suspects anything. Be positive, have confidence. He's an angel that was meant to cross your path. Have faith in him."

Laura's eyes glistened with admiration and longing for the object of her desire. He was her hero.

"I love him, Helena. We don't know each other that well but... I swear I can feel it."

The older woman placed a motherly hand on her shoulder and smiled with watery eyes. "Love's not about time... It's about heart and soul. And you met your match, darling."

The patio door opened, Günther looked over at the women through his thick glasses and smiled wickedly. "Here she is. Laura, dear, please come with me."

She gave Helena a curious glance before obliging him. They walked inside.

"Juliette's out for the day, but she asked me to take care of the business. We've got a last-minute call, mein liebe, and the man asked for you."

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