43 - Found you

392 26 23

The Jet landed and, miraculously, Saul was safe and sound. He had latched himself down with one of the luggage-holding straps and improvised a seatbelt that kept him from getting harmed.

He quickly descended the same way he had gotten on board and hid behind the hangar's tool shelves as he turned on his cell phone. There were twelve missed calls from Michael, so he looked around until he spotted a sign, and quickly typed a text.

Jackson hung up the phone after another useless call, going over the pages of the phonebook at light speed. He had talked to the US embassy, the Italian embassy, the UN, every single organism he could think of, and not a single one of them had any official paperwork regarding Laura's deportation.

He hesitated about calling Judge Hudson and ask him why the hell he assigned a dirty cop like Moore to bring her back. Could it be that he was involved in Juliette's disgusting business? He always seemed to be such an honorable, righteous man... Maybe Slash was paranoid, maybe he was tripping after a night of drugs and hardcore partying.

Before he could start dialing, his cellphone's screen lit up with the notification of an incoming text.

"Lukfer airport, Hangar 6449"

"Keep your phone line open, Imma call u later." Michael told Bill as he immediately grabbed his car keys and jacket and rushed out.

Lukfer was fairly close to his friend's flat, so he made it there before the van that was waiting for his girl had departed. He watched those nasty people's movements with both hands on the steering wheel and a concentrated frown, paying close attention to the policemen's demeanor. He was solely focused on his targets, when someone suddenly opened the passenger's door of his car, startling him.

"Holy shit! The fuck u think u're doin man! Tryna gimme a heart attack or get ur ass whacked?!"

Slash ignored him and quickly sat down, closing the door. "I overheard them, they goin' downtown. They told Laura they're takin her to see a lawyer, but that redhaired fuck kept talkin hushedly on his phone, they're up to something."

Michael frowned deeply and turned his gaze back to the front, watching the men closing the van's sliding doors with his girl inside. "Then we gon have to keep'em from arriving to their destination. Buckle up, cuz we might crash."

Saul took off his aviators and wiped his sweaty forehead, staring at his friend incredulously. "Crash? Man, u gon crash the car and then what? There are two cops in that van."

"If they try shit, they dead." MJ lowly said, fetching his gun from underneath the seat and placing it on his lap to check the charger, his friend's eyes widened as he whispered yelled. "The hell, Michael?!! Why u packin'?!"

Right then, the vehicle transporting Carangi started moving, so Michael hurried to turn on the ignition and quickly tailed it. "What's the fastest route downtown?" He asked and Saul thought real quick.

"Uh, there's a dirt road that ends right on the freeway's west access, but it's still quite a long drive"

Michael nodded. "A'ight, we gon ambush them before the freeway. This car's got a good grasp on dirt, but that van looks like a piece of junk so we got the advantage."

"Mike u really think it's a good idea? Have u seen those crash dummies videos? We could die"

Michael scrunched his nose and scoffed. "Slash, don't be such a wuss, this shit has airbags. You won't even get ur shades scratched, stop whining."

"I think u're batshit crazy."

MJ raised his eyebrows and sighed, grabbing his phone to make a call. "Yeah, I think so too."

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