06 - Get it out of the way

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Laura sprayed her neck, breastbone, and wrists with her most expensive and most delicious perfume.
After taking one last look in her full-length body mirror and deciding she was presentable enough, she graciously walked down the stairs and was about to reach the door when Star bumped into her, throwing blueberry juice all over her silver dress.

"Oh, Laura I'm so sorry! Please, let me help you with that."

"It's okay..."

It was not.

"I'll go change... I'm in a hurry."

"Yeah? Where are you going?" The younger girl asked with dark interest.


Star glared at Laura's back as she ran upstairs. "Tight-lipped bitch..." She growled, with the suspicion that she was going to see Michael.

Laura chose a silk, dark burgundy knee-length dress with black lace stockings and let her hair down in loose waves. She changed her lipstick to fit the new wardrobe and smiled at her reflection, but she continued to have this feeling in her gut... She was incredibly nervous and hated it.

Michael went on and on pulling his hair into a ponytail to later take the hair tie off. He did that a couple of times and couldn't decide which way he looked better. He wanted to be as attractive as possible for Alex, especially on their first date.

"Whatchu doin' Mike, you acting like a girl gettin' ready for her sweet sixteen."

Michael sighed and rolled his eyes, looking at his brother Randy through the mirror. "I can't decide the fuck to do with ma hair."

"Just be glad you've got a head full of hair and enjoy it. Imagine how you'd behave if you were balding like me, you'd die, bro."

Michael let some loose locks fall freely on the side of his face and decided to go with half tied hair.

"I like the way you think. You can't decide, so you pick both." Randy patted his back rather harshly, making him cough a little. "Your girl will dig it."

Michael looked down at his watch and jumped off his seat "Shit! Imma be late!" He stumbled with some furniture on his way to the walk-in closet. Randy followed his clumsy big brother with his gaze and shook his head.
"Born a schmuck, forever a schmuck."

"I heard that, Randall!"


Laura parked in front of the restaurant's modern facade. Her hands were gripping the steering wheel so tight, that they almost went numb from lack of blood irrigation.
"I've got this." She mumbled, looking at the rearview mirror, trying to give herself a little pep talk.
When she was making her way towards the entrance, she saw a familiar slender figure, leaning against the wall, a couple feet away from the door. She smiled and approached him, and when she was only a few steps away, she looked into his beautiful big eyes and felt something strange in her stomach. She placed her delicate hand over it and enjoyed the tingling sensation.

"Butterflies" he said, tilting his head with a smile, making some loose strands of hair slightly cover his cheek. He was breathtaking.

"Butterflies." She repeated with a sweet smile and rosy cheeks. Michael studied her exquisite features and sighed. She casted such a powerful spell on him by just looking into his eyes.

He confidently walked over to his date with his bottom lip trapped between his smiling teeth and reached for her hand. He placed her small palm on top of his and slowly intertwined his long fingers with hers. He brought the back of her hand to his lips and kissed it while looking intensely into her eyes. "Good evening, princess."

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