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AN: this is some art I did of Tom, it took a while

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AN: this is some art I did of Tom, it took a while.🖤
(1180 words)
(Overdose Warning)

I slumped out of her apartment, my mood retracting to its regular place. I remembered that I'm a fuck up, a criminal, an addict. I don't deserve people like her. I deserve every fucking thing I get.
I sat in my car, outside her apartment. In that moment I gave up, it was the last straw. I realized I was born just to die, and everything in between was just suffering. I drove to the nearest liquor store and snorted the last of my cocaine on the way. I stormed in and grabbed the 3 nearest bottles. I didn't have time for lines or cashiers so I just threw a $100 at the closest person to me.
On my way out I unscrewed the biggest bottle and chugged until I was out of breath. I threw the bottles onto the passenger seat and drove straight to one of my dealers houses.
"Lance! Open up!" I wrapped on the door several times. But there was only silence.
"Come on Lance, I'll do anything" I knocked a few more times.
"Lance!" I said in a stern tone. "Open the fucking door" I took a swig from the bottle in my hand.
I walked around to the side and looked through the window. I saw lance watch T.V.
I banged on the glass. Lance rolled his eyes and shut the blinds.
"Fuck you lance!" I screamed. "your a cock sucker!" I banged on the window some more. "Fuck!" I screamed to myself as I gave up. I sat on his lawn and looked up at the sky.
"Fuck..." I let my back hit the grass followed by my head. The whole world looked like it was spinning around me. I felt a pressure in my stomach quickly fill to my throat, then my mouth. Hot vile spewed from my mouth. I wiped my mouth and washed it out with vodka. I laid next to my throw up. I couldn't see many stars. The city lights where too bright. I looked at the moon and it reminded me how small and insignificant I really am.


"Nope, no, stop" I said to myself as I paced in circles.
"Stop..." I looked down at my shaking hand, full of pills.
"You are over exaggerating" I looked up at myself in the mirror, my eyes where stained black from my mascara and my lipstick was smeared.
"Y/N, you are just a crazy bitch, don't take those pills" what was coming out of my mouth was completely different from the things my brain was shouting. 'Do it' 'you deserve nothing' 'why aren't you dead already?' 'Everyone will be relived' 'fucking do it' 'kill...yourself'

I paced for what seemed like an hour. I was confused because Tom didn't mean that much to me. I would never kill myself over a boy.
'Y/N you have to remember you already have tried' I thought about Nick from high school. I realized it was just me. I had problems that would never go away. For the rest of my life, stuck in this loop of hell.
I sat on my bed, and sent a text that might be my only hope of survival.

ME: Noah, come over. I'm gonna do something bad and I can't stop myself.

My brain took over my body and my palm finally reached my mouth. My body went into full panic mode, my heart was racing, beads of sweat ran down my face. My mind was calm, almost content. My mind was happy with its decision. I took the vodka off the shelf and chugged as much as I could chug, to calm my body, and slow my heart. My stomach churned and my throat burned. I eyes felt tired and my body was heavy. I felt vibrations from my phone that was under my pillow. Ring after ring, text after text. It was Noah. I shouldn't have texted him.


Tom and Y/N both snapped. Not fully because of the events that evening, but the events leading up to it. They were each other's last straws... 

Tom woke up to Lance standing over him. He had his arm out, waiting for Tom to grab it. They went inside and Lance laid Tom on his couch.
"Tom, you should go to the hospital"
"Ha, funny" Tom responded.
Tom had alcohol poisoning. 
"Tom come on, you are sick and probably need your stomach pumped."
"Thank you Lance but I'm A-okay" Tom then reached for bucket from off the coffee table and filled it with vomit. "A-all good"
"Tom you need to get help, and not just because your sick but because you have a problem. I can't keep selling to you, you are going to kill yourself"
"So what"
"So what?! Tom, it's life or death"
"Death sounds fine to me, it's not like I'm doing any good here"
"Tom, listen to yourself!"
"Thank you for your hospitality Lance, but I best get going... unless you have some coke I can buy"
"No what? No, I can't leave or no, you don't have coke?"
"You can't keep me here" Tom chuckled. "And you sure as hell won't call the police" he added. Lance stood there in silence.
"Come back when you've hit rock bottom, Tom. I can help you"
"Yup, alright" Tom moved Lance to the side.
"See ya never" Tom grabbed his bottle from off the counter and left out the door.


Noah ran into Y/N's room and found her on her bed, unconscious. He checked for her pulse, but couldn't find it. He called 911 as he paced the room like Y/N did, moments before.
Within 10 minutes paramedics arrived. They checked her vitals and asked Noah plenty of questions. He was frazzled and confused.
"I-is she okay?!" He asked
"we are doing everything we can"
"That's not a fucking answer, IS SHE OKAY?!"
"Sir, calm down" and with that they whisked her away, to the Emergency Room a couple blocks down. Noah climbed into the ambulance. Eyes red with tears.
"Y/N I'm sorry" he whispered. Nobody told Noah anything, he was completely in the dark. He was sad, scared, and, angry; angry at himself. He was angry because he could have helped her sooner, he knew she had a problem but he just enabled her.
Soon enough she was brought into the back of the hospital, while Noah stayed up front for more questioning.
"Do you know what she took?" They asked
"No...probably painkillers"
"Do you know where she got them?"
"No" he gave them to her.
"Do you know if she abused painkillers?"
"No" he knew she had abused them.
"Was she an alcoholic?"
"No" he knew damn well she woke up every morning still drunk, with her head in the toilet.
"Is there anything else you with to tell us"
"No" he responded, tears raising to his eyes once again. "Is she going to be ok?"
"We don't know yet"

Tom Holland - B L U E  B L O O DWhere stories live. Discover now