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(1060 words)~TOM'S POV~

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(1060 words)

I stood staring at the door, still holding to book to cover me. I was frozen, trying to register what just happened.
"Fuck" I thought to myself. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" I quickly got dressed, I paced through my room. What is going to happen? Am I ever going to see her again? Is she going to get transferred? We should have thought more about the consequences. I didn't even cum... fuck those god damn motherFUCKING NURSES! FUCK!

Fear and concern quickly turned to anger. My blood began to boil. Within a second I snapped. My heart rate spiked.
I lifted the desk with ease and flipped it over, papers flying everywhere. I took the chair and threw it against the window. Two nurses rushed in. Their yells were muffled buy the ringing in my ears.
"FUCK YOU" I screamed at them as they grabbed my arms, trying to hold me down. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME"
"FUCK YOU" I flung one of the nurses off me. Three more nurses rushed in.
"WE CAN DO THIS THE EASY WAY OR THE HARD WAY TOM" I punched one nurse in the face, I knocked him clean out. A gave a little chuckle before they stuck a needle in my shoulder. I swung again, but this time I missed by a far. I stumbled a little, getting light headed. My vision quickly got hazy, and before I knew it everything was black.


The nurse took me by the arm and led me down the hall. Her face was full of disappointment.
"Y/N and Tom were having sex in his room" she said to the man at the front desk. "Tom is still in his room" the man looked at me and my eyes fell to the floor in embarrassment.
"Take her to room 304, I'll get Tom and I'll be right behind you."
The room she took me too was the same room they took me when I got in trouble the first time. The nurse and I sat across from a dark haired woman. She reminded me of my middle school principal.
"Y/N, nice to see you again" I didn't say anything back.
"Ms.Lance, Y/N and Tom got caught having intercourse in Toms room" she explained again.
"You guys are trouble aren't you" I kept my eyes on my lap "well what are we gonna do with you?"
"You could send her to our other ward" the nurse chimed in.
"I got this Karen" Ms.Lance said in annoyance. "Well yo-" there was a knock on the door. "Come in" a tall nurse entered, he held an ice pack over his nose, and his eye was purple. Karen gasped a little.
"Tom won't be able to meet with you in a bit" he explained.
"Well just keep me updated" he gave a nod before leaving the room.
"Wha-what happened?" I asked.
"I'm guessing he got punched"
"By Tom?!"
"It wouldn't be the first time" ... "Well, what I was saying is that we will keep you on red for three more weeks"
"That's it?!" Karen questioned. "W-what about separating them, they broke the rules, they had sex!"
"You have sex Karen, don't you?" Karen was silent. I chuckled a little, causing her to glare at me.
"Well, off you go. I'll tell Tom whenever he is done throwing a fit"
I had a grin on my face as I walked back to my room. Maybe it wasn't too bad here.

My face dropped as I saw Tom on a stretcher being wheeled out of his room. I ran over to him.
"Go back to your room Y/N" a nurse ordered.
"What happened?!"
"Go back to your room!" I glanced into his room. It was torn apart. My heart sank. I got a look at Tom's sleepy face before being dragged into my room.
"Stay" the nurse ordered, then slammed my door.

Tom was a bomb waiting to go off.


My door opened, it was one of the nurses.
"You are wanted in Recovery"
"Come on" he walked into the hall, I followed. He walked down toward the main doors, the doors we were never supposed to go through. The ward we were in was inside of a large hospital. He put in a code and they slowly opened. I haven't been outside of the ward in god knows how long. We walked down the hall, passing people in gowns and white coats, people being wheeled in wheelchairs and people pushing carts. We used the elevator to go down a story. Eventually we got to where we where going. The nurse pulled back a curtain to revile Alex, alive and well.
"Holy shit!" I ran to give him a hug. "I-I thought you died!" I pulled back and he smiled at me. "I'm so so so so sorry, I didn't mean what I said. I was just having not the greatest day"
"Hey, hey, hey, its not your fault. A nurse came to tell me that my sister had died before it happened. It's not your fault" all I could do was hug him.
"Here have a seat" he pointed to the chair beside my bed. "This morning they told me I could have one person visit me from the ward"
"I was very confused because they didn't tell me much before bringing me down here. Well how have you been, I mean how long have you been in recovery?"
"Like a couple days, I'll be coming back to the ward soon"
"Yay! I'm glad"
"Well what's new with you?"
"I got put on red for three more weeks..."
"What? Why?"
"I maybe, kinda, sort'a, fucked Tom and got caught..."
"What the fuck?! Really?"
"Yeah, then he got mad and tor up his room and punched a nurse in the face... again... now he is back in the padded room because they had to tranquilize him"
"What? When was this?"
"Like two hours ago"
"What?! Y/N!"
"Yeah I know-" a nurse walked in to check on Alex.
"You feeling all right? You need anything?" He asked. I turned around to see him and my heart dropped, I stood up to leave but I got really dizzy.

It was nick... the boy from high school.

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