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(1095 words)"He is dead

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(1095 words)
"He is dead..."

  They "put me on red". Basically I have to wear scrubs again and They gave me a red writs band that let the nurses know to keep an eye on me. They really didn't like the stunt I pulled with Tom.
I'm really not sure why I did it, I did not even think about it, I just did it.
It's been a day since I've seen him, he still hasn't come out of that room. Every once in a while I will look on the screen behind the front desk to see what he is up to. He mostly sleeps... he is probably going through a lot of withdrawals. A part of me wants him to get the fuck out of here because, he is in so much pain. The other part wants me to see him get better, sober, and start his life over. 
  I thought about how he is the reason I'm in here, How he cheated or something... or were we even a thing? We didn't know each other that long... was I in the wrong slamming the door on him? Am I the reason he is in here?
"Y/N" Alex waved his hand in front of my face
"It's your turn" I was playing go fish with him to pass the time, Alex is really the only friend I've made here.
"Go fish" I said with a sigh
"You good?" Alex asked
"Yeah, just...it's all fucked up"
"What's all fucked up?" He put down his cards
"I can see your cards"
"What's wrong Y/N?" He said, ignoring my comment.
"It's all good, I'm all good" I stood up and walked down the hall.
"Y/N! You can't keep hiding from your problems"  I kept walking. "Do you even want to get better?" I turned and looked at him, staying silent.
"Y/N" I heard from behind me.
"Who are you?" Alex asked. I turned around and saw Tom. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was messed up. I didn't know how to feel, my emotions were out of wack. I didn't say anything and I bolted into my room. I shut the door and I saw Alex's head pop up in the window.  I covered my head with the thin blanket and tried to clear my brain. Tom was here and he is going to be here for a while, but when I look at him, I don't know if I should punch him or fuck him.
I must have drifted to sleep because I woke up to a pounding on my door.
"Vitals!" The nurse yelled. I groggily pushed my blanket off me and walked to the door. When I opened it nurse Ann was waiting for me with a clip board. I followed her to the weight station and sat on the chair next to it. She lifted up my sleeve and put on the blood pressure monitor, I held out my finger for her to clamp the heart rate monitor onto. She pressed the button and I felt the pressure build on my arm. I never liked getting my blood pressure checked because I hate the way it feels. Now I have to get it checked every day since they "put me on red".
  I saw Tom walk up to the front desk to get a toothbrush, he saw me through the window and gave me a weak smile, his eyes looked empty.
"Is everything ok?" The nurse asked
"Yeah, Yeah.. why?" I asked pulling my attention away from Tom.
"Your heart rate just spiked, is there a reason why?"
"I'm not sure, that's weird..."
"Must be the new meds"
She proceeded to check my temperature and weight.
"You look good, you will be off red in a week if your behavior stays good... why did you go into Tom's room anyway?"
"I don't know, it just happened" I looked up at the front desk and Tom was gone. 
"Can I go now?" I asked
"Yeah, you are all set" she set down the clip board.
I walked out, I was headed straight for my room, before I got there I was stopped by another nurse.
"Y/N it's dinner, let's go"
"Can I-"
"Y/N, you don't have a lot of privilege when you are on red. You should have thought about that before sneaking into Tom's room."
I rolled my eyes and got in line for dinner. Alex cut in line behind me.
"Who is Tom? And what's his problem?"
"I don't want to talk about it"
"Y/N that's not healthy"
"I'm not healthy"
"Your being cross"
"Sorry I'm just- it's all fucked up"
"Y/N, what's fucked up!? I'm just trying to help!"
"TOM, YOU, ME, THIS PLACE! ITS ALL A FUCKING SHIT SHOW!" I tried to walk out but I got escorted back in line. I flipped off the nurse and waited in line next to Alex.
"I don't want to talk about it" I said facing forward, away from Alex.
    I got my lunch and sat at an empty table, Alex didn't follow. I pushed my tray aside and laid me head on the table. I heard a tray being set on the table across from me. I ignored it.
"Are you ok?" I lifted my head up to see Tom. I didn't say anything.
"I heard you got in trouble for coming in my room"
"Yeah, I basically have no rights"
"I'm sorry"
"it was nice to touch you again" he added.
I looked at Tom.  he rested his hand on my hand.
"I'm sorry for a lot of things" before I could answer I heard a scream from across the room.
We both turned, Alex fell to the floor. I ran over to him but couldn't see much over the crowd of people. He looked unconscious, there was blood everywhere.
I saw a broken spoon in his hand, covered in his blood. I pushed my way too him. He slit his throat with the sharp plastic.
"ALEX!" I screamed as they pushed me away from him. Tom grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. They would have yelled at us or pulled us apart by now but there was too much chaos.
"EVERYONE OUT!" The nurse screamed. A flood of people pushed me and Tom out the door. He pulled me into his room, still holding me tight.
"He is dead..." Tom held me and ran his hand along my back.
"Alex is dead..."

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