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(1090 words)~TOM'S POV~

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(1090 words)

I woke up with pains all over, mostly in my back. I sat up and sharp pins waved through my body, I looked at my hands and there was glass in my palms. I limped to the bathroom. I looked at my bare back in the mirror, there was dried blood smeared all over me. I carefully pulled out the shards of glass from my skin. More blood started to seep out. I got a little light headed, either from the loss of blood, or the hangover slowly building in me. I slid off my trousers and stepped into the shower. The stream shot cold and slowly warmed. The water was red going down the drain. I ran a washcloth over my back and hands, trying not to wince. I tried to remember the night before with no avail. All I knew was that my coffee table was shattered.
I knew I was tumbling quickly down hill, but I didn't care.
I got out of the shower and started my day with alcohol and coke, the same as always. Today I decided I was going to go to the club, try and take my mind off everything. It didn't open till 7, so I had to wait. I passed the time by vigorously cleaning my apartment, staring with the coffee table. I wouldn't have the motivation or the energy if it wasn't for the coke.
I spent the rest of my time on my phone. Scrolling through instagram, I passed a post I hadn't seen before. It was from Y/N, she was all dressed up, out with her friends. The photo was captioned with "<3" she was wearing the same thing she wore when I met her.
I checked the time and it was 6:45, I wasn't going to wait any longer. I got up grabbed all the drugs I had and left out the door. I drunkenly stumbled into my car and took off in the direction of the club. The drive was dangerous and short lived, I almost ran myself off the road more then once. I finally arrived, drunk and mostly out of it. I checked the clock and it was 7:05, the club was open. I wondered onto the empty dance floor, confused.
"Where is everyone?" I asked the bar-tender.
"It's seven, we just opened"
"There is usually more people here!"
"It's fucking seven, and people don't get here until at least nine!"
"Fuck you!" I threw a chair onto the dance floor.
"You know what, get out"
"No, fuck you" I slurred my words.
"FUCK OFF" I swung and hit the man in the mouth.
"FUCKING SECURITY!" He ducked beneath the bar. "He fucking hit me!" I felt a man pull me back from my arms. I scrambled to get out of his grasp, but his strength was insurmountable.
"Let go you cunt!!!" Me legs kicked and my arms flailed, as he dragged me to the door.
"Wait, wait, wait, hold up" a voice from behind us spoke. It was Sam.
"I'll give you $200 to turn him into the hospital instead of the police station" Sam spoke again.
"That's not my job sir"
"$400" Sam bargained.
"No sam, come on." I intruded.
"It's either jail or the hospital and I know which one you would rather have"
"Sam just pay him to let me go"
"You know I can't do that, it's for the best"
"Fuck Sam, tell him to put me down"
"Sorry Tommy." Security kept pulling me outside. Sam called the ambulance while I stood there in security's arms.
"What are you going to tell them?" I asked. Sam stayed silent. We stood out in the cold but, eventually you could hear the echo of the sirens. My heart started racing.
"Are you forcing me to go to rehab?!"
"I'm admitting you into a mental hospital/ rehabilitation center"
"Fuck you sam" my voice got weak.
The ambulance raced in front of us and men in uniform ran out. One man took me and strapped me into the ambulance while the other talked to Sam.
I couldn't hear what Sam was saying but I screamed anyway.
"HE IS LIEING! DON'T LISTEN TO HIM!" The men ignored me.
I drunkenly tried to get myself out of their restraints. Eventually I gave up. I laid there with my hands tied to my sides, wrist swore from my struggle.
The ambulance abruptly stopped and the doors opened. We had arrived at the rehabilitation center. They pulled me out and I got a glimpse of Sam doing paperwork with the men in uniform. My anger turned to rage.
He didn't even care to look up.
My rage gave me strength, I thought I could break the straps on my wrists. I tried jolting my arm every which way, my wrists just ended up bleeding.
The farther they wheeled me down the hall the faster my heart beat. I had no clue what I was getting into.
We entered through two double doors. They took me down a hall and around a corner to a closed door. They left for a moment and came back with more people. They whispered to each other things I couldn't distinguish. One man opened the door to reveal a blue padded room with a table in the middle, the table had sturdier straps then the one on the stretcher.
"No, no, stop, hey!" I spoke when they slowly wheeled me into the room. They ignored my words.
"FUCK, STOP! FUCK YOU!" I screamed while all the staff held me to the stretcher. I continued to scream and flail while they transferred me to the table.
With a burst of strength I managed to get an arm free. I punched a man square in the face as hard as I could. He fell backwards onto the blue padding. They secured me to the table with more force then before. The straps where tight and painful. All I could do was scream, and that's exactly what I did.


I woke up to a curdling scream.
"FUCK YOU!" I heard.
It sounded like a man, he sounded scary. My heart started to race as the screams continued. I wondered what was happening out there, and if the staff had it under control.
The screams turned from rage to fear and it made my heart hurt. I felt bad for whoever was out there, in that much pain.

Tom Holland - B L U E  B L O O DWhere stories live. Discover now